Homeopathic Medicines for High Blood Pressure – Hypertension Treatment
In this post of Homeo Expert, we shall discuss the best homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure or hypertension or top homeopathic remedies for high blood pressure or hypertension.
Best Homeopathic Medicines for High Blood Pressure – Hypertension Treatment in Homeopathy
Nowadays, high blood pressure has become a normal condition and it occurs due to the force of blood pushing against vessel walls. In medical terminology, we call high blood pressure as hypertension. In the end, it can cause different health problem and heart disease can be one of them. High BP causes the heart to work hard to pump blood out to the body and it leads to the hardening of the arteries and several health problems. When the heart pumps more blood then it narrows the arteries and the blood pressure of a person increases. Allopathic medicines are also helpful but they only last for a couple of hours and situation remains the same. You need to repeat the medicines and the process will never come to an end. It means that you have to take allopathic medicine for a lifetime.
Homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure give the permanent cure to high BP. You need to take homeopathic medicines for a couple of month for hypertension and your blood pressure will come to the natural or normal reading.
What is Normal Blood Pressure?
We can write the normal blood pressure like this 120/80 but you need to read it as 120 by 80. The top number in the blood pressure is known as systolic blood pressure and the bottom number is known as diastolic blood pressure.
130-139/80-89 = Stage 1 high blood pressure or hypertension.
140 and above/90 and above = Stage 2 high blood pressure or hypertension.
Also, check our article
Causes of Blood Pressure
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Lack of physical activity
- Excessive salt in diet
- Less potassium in diet
- Too little vitamin D in diet
- Stress
- Old age
- Genetics
- Family history of high blood pressure
- Chronic kidney disease
- Thyroid problems
- Sleep apnea
- Defects in blood vessels
- Medications (birth controls pills or pain killers)
- Alcohol abuse
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
Most of the people do not show any symptoms when they suffer from hypertension. There are some symptoms which may occur it includes migraine or headache, shortness of breath and nosebleed. These symptoms may occur when the blood pressure reaches life threatening stage so be careful if you have any of the symptoms.
Best Homeopathic Remedies for High Blood Pressure
If the illness is not very old, Homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure can be helpful in those patients. Homeopathic treatment for high blood pressure is perfect and effective in those cases where the patient has not started or get used to conventional medicines. It shows that homeopathic remedies for high blood pressure work best in such cases when the body of the patient is not addicted to conventional remedies. I do not recommend the patients to stop taking allopathic medicines who are addicted to them. It will take time to leave allopathic medicine but start using homeopathic medicines along with them. Kindly consult your physician before you switch to homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure. Homeopathic medicines for hypertension are natural medicines and they do not have any side-effects like other conventional medicines. They are also harmless if you use them for a long period.
Belladonna is One of the best homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure with headache
Belladonna is the best homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure when there is a symptom of a frequent headache. The pain is present in the temporal region which is throbbing in nature. The patient of Belladonna may also feel heat and redness of the face. At times, the patient seems to be fine but the next moment he starts having throbbing pain along with redness of face. Vertigo may also be present and the patient cannot feel a slight movement, touch or jerk.
Nux Vomica is One of the best homeopathic medicines for high BP or blood pressure due to high life
When the hypertension is a result of indulgence in high life and different passions, we recommend using Nux Vomica. The patient of this medicine is fond of coffee, liquor, spicy food, tea and fried food. He gets angry easily and nervous, active and thin in nature. There may be a symptom of constipation along with headache.
Rauwolfia – The Best homeopathic Treatment for high blood pressure
It is also the top homeopathic remedy for high blood pressure or hypertension which is made of herb. Rauwolfia is a useful homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure and it has the ability to vitalize the function of the central nervous system.
LACHESIS – Homeopathic Medicine for High Blood pressure During Menopause
Lachesis is one of the top homeopathic medicines for hypertension and it controls hypertension effectively. We suggest Lachesis when the patient is physically and mentally restless. Another astonishing symptom of this medicine is that, the patient does not bear anything around his neck or closed collars. In addition, he/she does not bear neck ties and tight necklaces as well. He/she does not even tolerate tight clothes and the patient of this medicine feels better wearing loose clothes or loosening the belts. I highly suggest this medicine to those women who are currently in their menopausal stage or post menopause.
ALLIUM SATIVA: Natural Homeopathic Remedy for High Blood Pressure With high Cholesterol
It is another natural homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure and we can consider it in cases of hypertension. We can suggest Homeopathic medicine Allium Sativa in those cases where the patient has a history of high Cholesterol level. It is a perfect medicine for fleshy and fat patients who give preference to non veg diet. There may be symptoms of dullness and heaviness in the head along with hypertension. In addition, the patient of Allium Sativa may complain of heat flashes which come and go suddenly.
NATRUM MUR – Top Homeopathic Medicine for High Blood Pressure with Salty Tooth
It is the best homeopathic medicine in cases of high blood pressure where hypertension is a result of high intake of salty things. The swelling of the feet may be seen in the morning due to this habit. I also recommend it in those cases when there is a symptom of unusual fatigue in the morning. Although we stop the patient from excessive salt intake he still desires for salty things including papads and pickles. There may be a symptom of tightness around the chest and palpitations on a little mental or physical effort. Natrum Mur also comes to mind when high blood pressure is accompanied by hyperthyroidism and goiter. The patient is sensitive to smells, sound and lights and it can also relieve a migraine due to hypertension.
GLONINE – Homeopathic Treatment for Hypertension with Congestive Headaches
It is also a homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure when the extreme weakness and irritability is present. The patient also feels congestion in the head and it results in headaches. Glonine is helpful in such cases where high blood pressure is accompanied by extreme dizziness. The patient is in a confused state of mind along with dislikes his work. In Glonine, the patient feels extreme weakness with breathlessness when he tries to climb steps and the body may tremble. The patient also feels the vibration all over his body.
Crataegus – Reliable Homeopathic medicine for high blood pressure due to high cholesterol
The normal reading of blood Cholesterol is less than 200mg/dl and when it rises it starts narrowing and hardening the arteries. And it becomes another reason for hypertension. In such cases, Crataegus is one of the reliable homeopathic medicines for high blood pressure because of high cholesterol. It manages the blood pressure and also lowers your Cholesterol levels as well.
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Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.
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Where is your clinic in Rawalpindi? I want BP treatment.
Aziz Ahmed Qureshi
Just type Nargis Homeopathic Clinic in Google map and get the directions. It is located on Kuri Road. Thanks. You can also contact us on our Whatsapp number for treatment.