Homeopathic Medicines For Perianal Burning
Perianal burning stands for a burning sensation experienced around the anus. The condition is very annoying. There are several causes that result in perianal burning. After passing the stool, improper cleaning of the anal region can cause skin irritation as well as burning around anus. On the other hand, intense cleaning and scrubbing can damage the anal area and can also cause burning of the perianal area. Apart from that, it can also happen because of certain food items including tea, coffee, chocolates, alcohol and tomatoes. Other reasons are perianal wipes that have alcohol, hygiene sprays, harsh soaps, and medicated creams can also cause it. it can also develop from the anusitis also known as inflammation of the anus. Additionally, medical conditions such as anal fissures (a cut or tear in the anal lining) and hemorrhoids (inflamed, swollen, dilated veins in or around the anal region) can result in perianal burning. It may also occur due to perianal abscess (a lump that has pus formed around the anus). Crohn’s disease which is an autoimmune disease can be another reason that results in inflammation of any part of the digestive tract from mouth to anus. In these cases, if it reaches anus, it can cause burning in that area. Anal infections whether they are bacterial or fungal infections could also make it happen. Other autoimmune disorders such as eczema and psoriasis can also affect the perianal region and may cause burning along with other symptoms. The last reason can be sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STIs) that can affect the anus and result in perianal burning. The most common ones can be anal herpes, gonorrhea, anal warts and chlamydia.
Certain signs and symptoms may also be seen with perianal burning, depending on the cause behind it. they can be pain, itching, soreness, and tenderness around the anus. There may be bleeding from the anal region too. Redness, rash or eruptions around the anus may also present. Diarrhea and constipation may also occur in some cases.
Homeopathic Treatment for Perianal Burning
Homeopathic medicines work wonders to treat the cases of perianal burning. Homeopathic medicines can treat it naturally and eradicate the root cause behind this complaint. Once the main cause is treated, the burning sensation will be reduced slowly. There are some associated symptoms present with burning such as pain, itching, anal bleeding, and swelling around the anus which can be treated well with these remedies. The best part about using these medicines is that they have a natural process of healing perianal burning and they are devoid of side effects. After going through a detailed analysis of the case, homeopathic medicine for this condition will be prescribed. It can be different from case to case. So, you have to consult a homeopathic doctor first before you take any remedy.
Homeopathic Medicines For Perianal Burning
1. Ratanhia – Top Recommendation for Perianal Burning Associated With Anal Fissures
Ratanhia is a prominent medicine to deal with the cases where burning around the anus is present due to anal fissures. The burning remains present for several hours after defecation. It can be hard to pass the stool in such cases and one has to do a lot of straining to do it. there is a constricted feeling in anus. Intense pain around the anus is also present. Anus becomes sensitive to touch. The anal region has cutting and stitching pain with the above-mentioned symptoms. Another specific sensation is present that calls for this medicine as if pieces of glass are present in the anus. It is also useful to cure burning around the anus in cases of hemorrhoids. It is also helpful in managing thin poop with a burning sensation in the anal region.
2. Sulphur – One of the Best Medicines to Manage it
Sulphur is also beneficial in curing perianal burning. This medicine is administered when the anus is swollen. Itching around the anus is also felt. Itching and burning become worse at night. Sometimes, bleeding may also occur from the anus. The anus is sore to touch as well. There may be a stinging sensation around the anus too. pain in the anal area may also be present which is tearing, stitching or pulsating in nature. At times, a sticky fluid may come out of anal area. Anal fissures or piles may be associated and that calls for the use of Sulphur.
3. Aesculus – To Treat Perianal Burning With Piles
Aesculus is an ideal remedy to treat anal burning in cases of piles. The appearance of hemorrhoids is purplish and are very painful. Sitting, standing or lying down is difficult for such persons. stinging and itching is present around the anus with the previous features. There is a feeling of fullness in the anus is also present. apart from that, dry, hard and large stool is present with constipation. Cutting pains also experience in the anal region after defecation.
4. Aloe Socotrina – To Cure Burning And Itching About The Anus
Aloe is very helpful medicine to cure burning with itching around the anus. This disrupts your sleep and even prevents it at night. People needing this remedy are suffering from piles that protrude from anus like a bunch of grapes. There is pain and tenderness in it along with the sensation of heat. Applying cold water on the anus provides relief.
5. Nitric Acid – To Manage Perianal Burning With Anal Bleeding In Piles And Anal Fissures
Nitric Acid is a very effective medicine for managing burning and bleeding from the anus. It is one of the top remedies to treat piles and anal fissures. Redness and swelling of anus and perianal pain are also present with the previous features. After defecation, there is a sharp and stitching pain. There may be a pricking sensation at the anus with sensitive to touch. Constriction of anus is also felt. Apart from that, the person may also experience sharp sticks pressing into the anus when touched. Sometimes, the anus may ooze foul-smelling discharge from it. Acidum Nitricum is also recommended to treat the cases of eczema around the anus.
6. Arsenic Album – To Manage Perianal Burning And Redness, Soreness Of Anus
Arsenic Album is recommended to manage perianal burning and redness and soreness of anus. In addition, anus may experience pressure. It is also helpful to cure piles with intense burning sensation like fire.
7. Phosphorus – To Manage Perianal Burning With Bleeding In Piles
This medicine is beneficial to treat burning around the anus and bleeding in cases of piles. The anal region burns like fire when it is recommended. defecation results in bleeding from the anus. The anus protrudes the piles, which can happen while passing the gas. Piles can be associated with mucus sometimes. Stitching pain in the anus may follow. Other problems may occur such as itching and stinging around the anus.
8. Natrum Mur – To Manage Perianal Burning With Constipation
Natrum Mur is a valuable medicine for helping cases of perianal burning with constipation. In cases where it is required, the stools are hard and unsatisfactory in nature. After defecation, there is a sensation of burning at the anus which feels as if torn. At times, anus may bleed. Anus may experience tearing pain and smarting sensation after defecating. There may be itching in anus. It is also useful in cases of herpes around the anus.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
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