Best Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema – Homeopathy Treatment
7 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema
What is Eczema?
Eczema is a skin condition or problem, also called dermatitis. The skin of the person who suffers from eczema is inflamed with dry rash, papules, erythema, pustules or vesicles. Papules stand for eruptions of less than 1cm and it does not contain any fluid. Vesicles stand for fluid-filled eruptions, pustules are pus-filled eruptions. Eventually, as a result, it thickens the skin. Scratching and itching may also occur and it differs from mild to severe. The skin may bleed from scratching. It can cover the entire body of a person or may cover a small area of the body as well.
Causes of Eczema
Healthy skin is necessary to retain the moisture and it will also prevent the skin from bacteria, allergens and irritants. Eczema is a mixture of genetic and environmental factors. Gene variation can result in the skin’s inability to provide protection. It will also help the environmental factors such as allergens and irritants to affect the skin.
Risk Factors
- Family history of eczema
- Family history of asthma
- History of hay fever in family
- History of allergies in family
Signs and Symptoms of Eczema
- Itching, it can become severe at night
- Dry skin
- Red to brownish grey patches appear on hands, feet, eyelids, upper chest, neck, wrists, ankles, bend of the knees and elbows, face and scalp etc.
- Small or raised bumps on the skin that can be fluid filled
- Cracked, thickened or scaly skin
- Sensitive, raw or swollen skin after scratching
Types of Eczema
There are eight types of eczema are atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, Neurodermatitis, hand eczema, Nummular Eczema, venous/stasis eczema.
1: Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema and it runs in families and usually starts in childhood. Many people who suffer from this condition also suffer from hay fever and asthma.
- Skin inflammation with dryness
- Itchy rash
- Small bumps on the skin
- The skin gets infected if you scratch it
- Immune system issues
- Genes
- Dry or unhealthy skin
- Environmental factors
2: Seborrheic Dermatitis
It is another common type of eczema that affects the face, scalp and eyelids.
- Red skin
- Itching
- Skin flakes or dandruff on your scalp
- Patches of greasy skin covered with white or yellow flakes
- The irregular response of the immune system
- A yeast is known as Malassezia
3: Contact Dermatitis
It consists of two types: irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. In irritant contact dermatitis, the chemicals irritate the skin including bleach, battery acid and detergent etc. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs on the skin when the skin exposed to a foreign substance such as gold and cosmetics.
- Fluid filled blisters
- Scaly or leathery skin
- Itchy bumps
- The skin itches, turns red, stings and burns
When a substance irritates the skin after coming in contact with, contact dermatitis appears.
- Nickel
- Paint
- Latex
- Jewelry
- Bleach
- Detergents
- Skin care products such as makeup
- Tobacco smoke
- Poisonous plants
4: Dyshidrotic Eczema
This type of eczema causes blisters on your hands and feet. It is more common in women as compared with men.
- Fluid filled blisters or bumps on your toes, fingers, palms and soles.
- Scaly or cracked skin
- Itching
- Allergies
- Stress
- Damp hands and feet
- Exposure to substances like nickel
5: Hand Eczema
The type of eczema that only affects the hands is known as hand eczema.
- Red, dry or itchy hands
- Cracks and blisters may occur
It is caused by exposure to chemicals. People who have a job of dealing with irritants are more prone to get this including:
- Healthcare
- Hairdressing
- Cleaning
- Laundry or dry cleaning
6: Neurodermatitis
It is similar to atopic dermatitis and it also produces scaly patches on your skin.
- Thick or scaly patches occur on your back of the neck, arms and legs, scalp, back of your hands and bottoms of your feet and also on genitals.
- If you scratch the patches, they may bleed.
- Itching in patches.
People who already have other types of eczema or psoriasis. Stress can be another cause of this type of eczema.
7: Nummular Eczema
This type can cause round or coin shaped spots on your skin. Nummular is a Latin word that refers to coin.
- Round or coin shaped spots on the skin
- Itching on the spots
- It can appear as a reaction of an insect bite.
- Allergic reactions to chemicals or metals
- Dry skin
8: Stasis/Venous Eczema
This type of eczema is developed on the lower limbs due to the poor blood circulation or due to the varicose veins. The fluid comes out of weakened veins into your skin.
- Pain in legs
- Lower part of the legs swell
- Varicose veins
- Dry or itchy skins with varicose veins
Blood flow problems in the lower legs can cause stasis dermatitis.
Homeopathic Treatment for Eczema
Homeopathic mode of treatment is an ideal approach to cure eczema. There is a great scope of curing this condition in homeopathy. There are two phases of recovery in cases of eczema, in the first phase, homeopathic remedies control the symptoms and in the second phase, they start healing the lesions and also controls the further progression of the disease. Homeopathic remedies for Eczema are also helpful in cases of eczema when it is accompanied by asthma and hay fever. The ideal medicines to treat this condition are Sulphur, Graphites, Mezereum, Natrum Mur, Petroleum and Psorinum. These medicines are devoid of side effects and they are also suitable for all age groups.
Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema
Sulphur and Psorinum – Best Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Eczema with Excessive Itching
Sulphur is an ideal homeopathic medicine for dry eczema with excessive itching and eczema. It is accompanied by intense scratching. A burning sensation is attended with the scratching of the rash. The itching gets worse in the evening and at night. Heat makes the itching worse. In some cases, washing may trigger the itching in eczema rash. The appearance of the skin is dirty and unhealthy in nature. Eczema that gets worse in the spring season also calls for the use of Sulphur. Sulphur is also an ideal remedy to cure eczema where it has been treated with ointments in the past.
Homeopathic medicine Psorinum is another appropriate choice for eczema when it is dry and itchy in nature and the patient scratches it until it bleeds. The patient gets relief from eczema during the summer and gets worse in the winter season. It is also considered an excellent choice to treat eczema behind the ears.
Graphites – Top Homeopathic Treatment for Eczema
Graphites is one of the best homeopathic remedies for eczema. It acts well in cases of both dry as well as moist eczema. Excessively rough, dry skin accompanied by intense irritation are the key symptoms to indicate this medicine in dry eczema. In cases of moist eczema, the symptoms are the skin eruptions that ooze moist, sticky fluid and it shows excellent results in such cases. Graphites is also prescribed for eczema between fingers and toes oozing glutinous discharge. It also works well in cases of eczema of eyelids with red margins and scaliness.
Natrum Mur – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Eczema in Bend of Limbs
Natrum Mur is an effective medicine for eczema in the bends of limb cases. The bends of limbs are the folds of skin between the elbows and behind the knee. The nature of eczema in the bends of limbs is dry, raw, chapped, inflamed and crusty. Additionally, Natrum Mur is an ideal homeopathic treatment for eczema eruptions that appear around the margin of the hairline.
Arsenicum Album – One of the Best Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema with Asthma
Arsenicum Album is the best homeopathic cure for eczema when it is associated with asthma. The symptoms are rough, dry and itchy skin. Burning sensation in eruptions may also be felt by the patient. Itching and burning may get worse from the cold. Asthmatic symptoms with marked suffocative attacks, dyspnoea, cough and constriction in air passages are present with eczema. This homeopathic remedy also acts well in cases of eczema when it is accompanied by hay fever. Both these conditions may exist at the same time or may alternate with one another.
Mezereum – Top Homeopathic Medicine to Cure Eczema with Thick, Crusty Eruptions
Homeopathic remedy Mezereum is an ideal choice to treat eczema with thick, crusty eruptions. The discharge from these eruptions is sticky in nature. At times, pus discharge may also be present with blood. Unbearable itching is present with acrid discharge. On scratching, the itching shifts its place frequently. Homeopathic medicine Mezereum is an excellent remedy to cure the eczema of the scalp. The main symptoms to indicate this medicine are thick, leather-like crusty eruptions on the scalp along with sticky or pus-like discharge. It is accompanied by intense itching and marked burning. The discharge is highly offensive in nature and the hair covered together because of the sticky discharge.
Petroleum – Excellent Homeopathic Treatment for Eczema that Become Worse in Winter
Homeopathic medicine Petroleum works wonders in cases of eczema when it gets worse during the winter season. The patient of this medicine has a rough, hard and thick skin. Deep cracks can be observed on the affected skin. In some cases, the cracks may bleed as well. Itching and burning are also experienced on the skin and it is highly sensitive to touch. It is also an ideal medicine to treat the cases of eczema when deep cracks are present on the fingertips.
Vinca Minor – Homeopathic Remedy for Eczema of Scalp
Homeopathic medicine Vinca Minor is another natural remedy to cure eczema of scalp permanently like Mezereum. The patient who needs this medicine has eruptions in spots on the scalp. The eruptions ooze discharge that may matt the hair of the person. Another feature to consider while prescribing this medicine is excessive itching with an irresistible desire to scratch.
Frequently Asked Questions Related to Eczema
How to know that you have eczema?
We can divide eczema into two types – dry and moist. Dry eczema occurs as itchy rash whereas moist eczema appears as skin eruptions oozing discharge and they may vary from sticky, watery or pus-like in nature. These signs can be the chances that you are suffering from eczema. There are no lab investigations to identify eczema. Eczema is identified in the clinical presentation of skin eruptions. A family history of this condition also increases the risk of eczema.
At what age is eczema likely to appear?
In most of the cases, eczema begins at an early age, before the age of 5. However, it can occur in teenage as well as in adulthood.
Which part of the skin is more vulnerable to eczema?
Eczema can grow in any part of the skin, but the area may vary with the age. For example, in children, the common areas of eczema are the scalp, face and chest. Adults are prone to eczema in the bends of elbow and hollow of the knees.
Why is my child suffering from eczema?
It is due to the genes. If a child has eczema, he/she may have atopic dermatitis. Atopy stands for the genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases including asthma, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis.
Is eczema an allergy?
There are cases that can be classified in allergy due to its origin, but we cannot confine every case in an allergy. In allergic eczema, the skin reacts when it comes in contact with any allergen. Common allergens are nickel, cosmetics and antibiotic creams.
Can eczema spread from skin contact?
No, eczema cannot be spread from skin contact because it is not contagious. It does not spread from contact with a person but from contact with allergens.
My 2-year-old child has eczema. Will it cure itself as he grows?
Yes, there are chances that eczema will go away as he/she gets older. However, the age of the child at what age he will start showing improvement is different from child to child. In most of the cases, the children get better when they reach the age of three years.
Does stress cause eczema?
No, it does not cause eczema but it can intense the symptoms of eczema.
Is eczema related to weather?
Eczema can develop irrespective of the weather but it usually develops in cold weather.
Will applying steroids/ointment cure eczema?
Ointment application provides temporary relief from burning and itching sensation in cases of eczema. However, the relief ends up suppressing eczema.
I have had eczema for years. Can eczema be cured permanently in homeopathy?
Yes, homeopathy offers a permanent cure for eczema though the results may vary from patient to patient. It involves a number of factors including the spread of eczema, severity of eczema and the duration decide the extent to which homeopathic remedies will cure. In addition, each body responds differently to these natural remedies that is why it varies how well an individual feels.
My child is suffering from eczema since birth. Can Homeopathic medicines help?
Yes, homeopathy can address this problem and offers the ideal scope of treating eczema in these cases. Homeopathic remedies are produced from natural substances. Therefore, they are devoid of side-effects and also suitable for all age groups specifically children. There are a number of homeopathic remedies to cure eczema in children. The appropriate medicine will be selected after analyzing the symptoms of the patient and doing a detailed study.
Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema – Faq’s
Which are the best homeopathic medicines for eczema?
There are a number of homeopathic remedies to treat eczema. In my clinical practice, the top-rated homeopathic medicines for eczema are Sulphur, Psorinum, Petroleum and Graphites.
I am suffering from dry eczema. Can Homeopathy help in dry eczema?
Yes, homeopathy is an ideal choice to treat dry eczema. Sulphur and Natrum Mur are the ideal remedies to cure dry eczema. The patient needing Sulphur has intense itching and burning sensation with eczema.
Which homeopathic remedies can cure moist eczema?
Homeopathic medicines Mezereum and Graphites are effective remedies to treat moist eczema. Mezereum acts well in cases of moist eczema occurring on the scalp. The patient of this Mezereum has crusty moist eruptions on the scalp that ooze pus or fluid. The discharge may be offensive. Homeopathic remedy Graphites is prescribed where there is sticky fluid discharge from eczema eruptions on any part of the body.
What are the best homeopathic medicines for eczema on the scalp?
Homeopathic remedies Vinca Minor and Mezereum are effective medicines to treat moist eczema on the scalp. Mezereum is recommended for scalp eczema with the discharge of fluid/pus and it is offensive in nature. Vinca Minor is effective when eczema on the scalp is associated with excessive itching with an irresistible desire to scratch.
Which homeopathic medicine will help in treating long-standing eczema with deep cracks that bleed?
Petroleum is an ideal choice to cure eczema with deep cracks. Eczema with cracks that become worse in the winter season also responds well to homeopathic remedy Petroleum.
Which homeopathic medicines will be beneficial for eczema in bends of limbs?
Homeopathic medicine Natrum Mur acts well in cases of eczema in the bends of limbs.
Which homeopathic medicine will cure dry eczema that is excessively itchy?
Homeopathic remedies Sulphur and Psorinum respond well to dry eczema that itches.
Which homeopathic remedies will be the top rated for treating eczema in children?
Best homeopathic remedies for eczema in children are Sulphur, Natrum Mur and Graphites. The appropriate medicine can be chosen after a detailed analysis of the case.
Which is the appropriate homeopathic medicine for eczema with asthma?
Homeopathic remedy Arsenicum Album is highly recommended for eczema that is associated with asthma. This homeopathic medicine is effective where both eczema and asthma present together or alternate with one another.
Which homeopathic remedies will help for stasis eczema?
Homeopathic remedies Pulsatilla and Hamamelis are the most effective medicines for stasis eczema on legs.
Lifestyle changes to provide relief from eczema
- Avoid bathing with water that is too cold or too hot
- Use a very mild soap while bathing
- Do not use cosmetics and perfumes
- Wear cotton clothes preferably. Avoid synthetic and woolens
- Do stress management
- Avoid excessive scratching of the skin. Use a moisturizer in dry eczema to reduce itching
- Do not expose yourself to extremely cold environments
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.