Height Increase Medicine in Homeopathy – Height Growth Treatment
In this post, we shall discuss the best Height increase medicine in homeopathy or top homeopathic remedies for height growth.
Best Height Increase Medicine in Homeopathy – Height Growth Treatment in Homeopathy
Short stature is also known as dwarfism. It is a term which is a result of a genetic and medical condition. We can define it as an adult whose height is less 4 feet 10 inches (147 centimeters) or less than that. The average adult height among the people with short stature is 4 feet (122 cm).
Signs and Symptoms
Disproportionate dwarfism
There are a great number of people with dwarfism have disorders that cause disproportionately short stature. Usually, it means that the person has very short limbs with an average size trunk. Some of them may have disproportionately large limbs and have a very short trunk. In this condition, the head of the person is disproportionately large if we compare it with the body.
All the people with disproportionate dwarfism have normal intellectual abilities. There can be exceptions as a result of another factor like excessive fluid around the brain that is, hydrocephalus.
Achondroplasia is a common disorder which can cause disproportionately short stature. It can result in the following:
- An average-size trunk
- Short arms and legs, with particularly short upper arms and upper legs
- Short fingers, often with a wide separation between the middle and ring fingers
- Limited mobility at the elbows
- A disproportionately large head, with a prominent forehead and a flattened bridge of the nose
- Progressive development of bowed legs
- Progressive development of swayed lower back
- An adult height around 4 feet (122 cm)
Another cause of disproportionate short stature is a rare disorder known as spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SEDC). Signs may include:
- A very short trunk
- A short neck
- Shortened arms and legs
- Average-size hands and feet
- Broad, rounded chest
- Slightly flattened cheekbones
- Opening in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate)
- Hip deformities that result in thighbones turning inward
- A foot that’s twisted or out of shape
- Instability of the neck bones
- Progressive hunching curvature of the upper spine
- Progressive development of swayed lower back
- Vision and hearing problems
- Arthritis and problems with joint movement
- Adult height ranging from 3 feet (91 cm) to just over 4 feet (122 cm)
Proportionate dwarfism
Proportionate dwarfism is a result of medical conditions which are present at birth or appear in early childhood. It limits the growth and development of the person. As a result head, trunk and limbs are small but they are proportionate to one another. These disorders affect the overall growth and they result in poor development of one or more than one body systems.
Growth hormone deficiency is another common cause of Proportionate short stature. When the pituitary gland is unable to produce sufficient supply of growth hormone which is important for normal growth of the child.
Signs include:
- Height below the third percentile on standard pediatric growth charts
- Growth rate slower than expected for age
- Delayed or no sexual development during the teen years
Most of the short stature conditions are genetic disorders. The causes of some disorders are unknown. In some cases, it is a result of a random genetic mutation in either the mother’s egg or father’s sperm rather than either parent’s complete genetic makeup.
Almost 80 percent of the people suffer from achondroplasia are born to parents of average stature. A person with this order may pass a normal or mutated copy to her or his own children.
Turner syndrome
It is a condition that affects only women or girls, it results when a sex chromosome X chromosome is partially missing or missing. A female gets an X chromosome from each parent. A girl with Turner Syndrome has only one copy of female sex chromosome which is fully functioning rather than two.
Growth hormone deficiency
GHD occurs when the pituitary gland is unable to produce enough growth hormone. It is more common in children than adults.
Other causes
Other causes of short stature include other genetic disorders, deficiencies in other hormones or poor nutrition. Sometimes the cause is unknown.
Disproportionate dwarfism
The characteristic features of the skull, spine and limbs shared by most forms of disproportionate short stature result in some common problems:
- Delays in motor skills development, such as sitting up, crawling and walking
- Frequent ear infections and risk of hearing loss
- Bowing of the legs
- Difficulty breathing during sleep (sleep apnea)
- Pressure on the spinal cord at the base of the skull
- Excess fluid around the brain (hydrocephalus)
- Crowded teeth
- Progressive severe hunching or swaying of the back with back pain or problems breathing
- Narrowing of the channel in the lower spine (spinal stenosis), resulting in pressure on the spinal cord and subsequent pain or numbness in the legs
- Arthritis
- Weight gain that can further complicate problems with joints and the spine and place pressure on nerves
Factors that Affect Height
- Nutrition (it has a great impact on height
- Lack of vitamin D, minerals like calcium and phosphorus (can slow growth)
- Tumour in the pituitary gland leads to slower growth
- Genes
- Exercises play an important role in the growth
- Chronic diseases can affect the height including Asthma, Diabetes, and thyroid problems
Height Increasing Factors
Exposure to Sunlight
Sunlight provides Vitamin D to human body and it affects the growth of human bones. Exposure to sunlight can give your body an ideal dose of vitamin D. sunbathing in the early morning or late afternoon, it is due to the fact that ultraviolet rays are under control during this time.
Growth Stunting Factors
People should avoid the use of alcohol or narcotics. These substances dehydrate us and it affects our growth and metabolism. It stops us from growing and development. Additionally, people should moderate the intake of caffeine. It is because it restrains the calcium absorption which is another essential thing for our growth.
Homeopathy for Height Growth
There are several homeopathic medicines for height increase in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicine for height growth is safe and devoid of side effects. Homeopathic remedies affect the immune system and harmonize with it. Conventional medicines only suppress the condition and immune system.
Some related facts:
- Select the right remedy to get the ideal results
- Common height increase medicines in homeopathy are Tuberculinum, Baryta Carb, Calcarea Phos and Thuja.
- The extent of growth varies from person to person. It depends on the symptoms, potency and physical condition of a person. You need to continue them regularly for a while.
- These medicines are also helpful for all ages especially 20+ age.
- Homeopathic remedies for height growth are safe and natural.
- Homeopathy is equally beneficial for pregnant and little babies as well.
- They are not addictive and when the patient gets relief then the patient can stop the medication.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Height Increase
Baryta Carbonica for Height Increase – Top Height Increase Medicine in Homeopathy
It is an ideal homeopathic medicine for height growth. This homeopathic remedy is useful for children who are mentally and physically weak. It is also a suitable remedy for height increase in children when it is a result of tonsils. Baryta Carbonica is also recommended when the children have a weak memory. It provides nutrition to bones and gives rise to proper development.
Thuja Occidentalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Height Growth due to Genetic Factors or Disorders
Thuja Occidentalis is an ideal height increase medicine in homeopathy when it is a result of genetic factors. This medicine works wonderfully when the patient is emaciated and weak in nature. It not only acts on bones and muscles but also corrects the dysfunctioning of the body.
Calcarea Phosphorica – Best Homeopathic Medicine for Height increase in Children
Calcarea Phosphorica is an excellent homeopathic medicine for height increase in children. It is suggested when the children are weak and anemic in nature. The medicine also works wonderfully when the children have the deficiency of calcium and their bones are becoming soft. This medicine gives the proper amount of calcium for the bones and helps them to grow.
Homeopathic Medicines to Increase Height between 10-17 Years Old Children
Tuberculinum, Thuja Occidentalis, Calcarea Phosphorica and Baryta Carbonica are excellent homeopathic remedies for height growth in 10-17 years old children.
Note: Do not self medicate because these medicines cannot be used at one time. These medicines can be dangerous if taken without the advice of a homeopathic physician. Do not forget to consult a competent homeopathic physician.
Silicea – Height Increase Treatment in Homeopathy due to Imperfect Assimilation of Nutrients
Silicea is the best indicated homeopathic medicine for height growth when it is a result of imperfect assimilation of nutrients. Additionally, children who cannot walk properly can take this medicine to strengthen the bones.
Height Increase Exercises
Bar Hanging
Do hanging exercises whether you have a bar to hang at home or at the gym just go for it. You need to hold the rod or bar and let your body hang on it for 10 to 15 seconds. Additionally, you can also prolong it if you can bear it. Repeat the process and spend at least 5 minutes on the bar.
We spend our most day in upright and vertical position. Therefore, the gravity compresses our joints and spine that thins our cartilage and makes us shorter.
Cobra one Exercise or Cobra Stretch
It is another height increase exercise and it will stretch your spine. lie on the floor facing down and palms under your shoulder.
Start arching your spin upward to chin and arch as far as you can. Wait for 5-30 seconds and then stop and then do it again. It will hurt you when you will begin it but with the passage of time, it will become your routine.
You can do this exercise in the morning and before going to bed.
Pilates Roll Over
This exercise helps to stretch your spine and adds length to your upper body. It also strengthens and stretches your neck vertebra.
Start with lying your back with your arms with palms and sides facing down. Keep your legs straight up and together. Keep your legs to the ceiling and bend them to touch the floor.
First time, touching the floor may seem difficult but it will become easier with practice.
Forward Spine Stretch
Sit on a mat straight and keep your feet in front. Your legs should be extended and flexed. Bend forward to touch the tips of your toes.
If you are able to touch your toe tips, then try to stretch more to flex your spine. It may appear difficult in the beginning but you can achieve it by practice.
Cat Stretch
This exercise is to open your spine and strengthen your chest, palms, back and shoulders. It is also useful for blood circulation.
Place your knees and hands on the floor, keep your head down and bring your spine up. Keep your elbows straight and shoulders high.
Forward Bend
It is another beneficial exercise to grow or increase height. Stand straight with your legs, extend your hands straight, bend down and forward to touch the floor using your hands. Do not bend your knees.
Spot Jump
Keep your legs close and stand on your toe. Start jumping straight up in the air for at least 2 minutes.
Hands on the head Bow down
Stand with your hands place them behind your neck and bend forward as much as possible. Do not bend your knees and bring your chin into your chest. Repeat each from 4 to 8 seconds.
Rope Skipping
Rope skipping is another useful exercise for growth and it is closely related to height.
Pedaling Exercise
You can do this exercise by lying on your bed. You need to uplift your lower body and put your hands under the hips to support it. Then straighten your legs and start pedaling for about 60 seconds. Take a break for a while and then repeat the process.
Pedaling exercise will loosen your neck joints.
Other exercises are
- Swimming
- Cycling
- Badminton
- Yoga
- Avoid rugby or football because they can hurt your ligaments and bones
Sleeping Pattern
Change your sleeping pattern if you have discomfort with back or neck, you may blame your mattress or pillow for this. We suggest to lie straight and stretch your legs and arms toward the foot of the bed.
How Can You Increase Height Naturally?
- Get proper sleep
- Indulge in regular exercise and sports
- Practice yoga
- Maintain correct posture
- Have a balanced diet
- Avoid growth stunting factors
- Develop a strong immune system
- Build your confidence
Is German Homeopathic Medicine for height increase is necessary or Can I Use local medicines?
We recommend german homeopathic medicine for height increase because they work faster as compared to local medicines.
Can Homeopathic medicine increase height after 18, 20 or 23 years of age?
Yes, studies also show that a person can get a few inches if he is young. Growth still continues for some people even at the age of 22-25. So it is possible to increase height even after this stage of age.

I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.
Dear Dr. Arsalan Rauf,
I am Ahmed Taher from Chittagong, Bangladesh have been suffering from VITILIGO from 2007. Many other medicine have used but not yet seen any
result . If you suggest the name of genuine medicine for oral and skin the
I will pay you.
Hi Ahmed,
You can contact us on our Whatsapp number to get the treatment. Thanks
may son is 6.5 years old and daughter is 3.7 years old. Can I start them height increase medicine, as their height is shorter as compared with their age group. My height is 4.7, and their father height is 5.5 approximately. Please suggest a remedy.
Consider using the medicines at the age of 10+.