Homeopathic Medicines for Ringworm
If you have ring-shaped red patchy lesions developing on your body is a sign of a skin condition known as Ringworm. It is an infection that is formed due to a fungus and it is also called Dermatophytosis or Tinea. Homeopathic medicines for ringworm are useful in order to eradicate the infection entirely from the body.
The medical terminology is replete with this infection depending on the part of the body involved. If the infection is on the scalp, it is called Tinea Capitis, on the trunk or limbs it is known as Tinea Corporis, on the feet, it is known as Tinea Pedis. Ringworm infection on the groin is given the name of Tinea Cruris. This infection has the characteristics of typical ring-shaped red patchy lesions along with a clear center and raised edges. Itching and pain occur with lesions. There are bald spots on the head in Tinea Capitis. Ringworm infection is also contagious and can transfer from one person to another through skin contact. In addition, it can also spread from objects such as combs, clothing being used by the infected people.
Top Homeopathic Medicines For Ringworm Infection
Homeopathy mode of treatment is an ideal treatment for Ringworm infection. The natural remedies give relief to the patients from the acute symptoms of itching and burning of Ringworm lesions and also clear the infection completely. The well selected homeopathic remedies can give excellent results. There is no chance of suppression of the disease by using these remedies and the ringworm infection will be treated in an efficient and gentle way.
Homeopathy for ringworm can cure the Ringworm infection completely. The remedies for ringworm, are obtained from natural substances and are devoid of any side effects. They not only give relief from Ringworm symptoms but also help to get rid of the infection from the body. Sepia, Tellurium, Sulphur, Psorinum, Arsenic Album are the best medicines to treat it.
Sepia: To Treat Ringworm in Isolated Spots
Sepia is the top natural remedy for ringworm infection occurring in isolated spots. Although sepia can be prescribed for Ringworm lesions on any part of the body but the most common location for prescribing it is in the bends of the knee and elbow. Sepia provides excellent results in the cases of Ringworm eruptions developing in bends of elbows and knees. The eruptions are associated with itching and scratching, scratching does not give relief to the patient. Along with the previous features, increased sweating with or without a bad smell may also be present in patients of Sepia. There is another guiding symptom to use this medicine is the recurrence of ringworm infection in every spring season. Sepia has the capacity to put an end to the tendency to have a Ringworm infection when the spring is at hand. There is a high sensitivity to the cold along with these features. The mental symptoms are very important while prescribing Sepia including irritability and indifferent behavior towards family, friends and life.
Tellurium: To Treat Ringworm Infection with Lesions on Large part of Body
Tellurium is another natural remedy to treat this condition when Ringworm eruptions cover a large area of the skin. Ringworm lesions join one another and as a result, they cover a large part of the body. The body is affected with intersecting ring lesions. Tellurium is prescribed when the Ringworm eruptions are detectable with clear margins on an increased surface of the skin. To prescribe Tellurium to cure the Ringworm infection, the eruptions may occur on the face, or on limbs, or on the whole body. There is an excessive itching and stinging sensation on the eruptions. The itching is marked day and in and day out. Additionally, the cold air makes the itching worse. An offensive smell is also present on the area covered with Ringworm eruptions.
Sulphur: To Cure Intense Itching and Burning
Sulfur is an ideal natural remedy to cure a large variety of skin problems. Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is also successful in cases of Ringworm lesions too. The main symptom experienced by a Ringworm patient that gives rise to the selection of Sulphur is intense itching and burning in eruptions. The patient goes on scratching the lesions and it does not get better. Scratching results in a burning sensation. The person needing Sulphur also complains of itching gets worse at night. This natural remedy is ideal for almost all cases of Ringworm infection developing on the scalp, limbs, trunk and face when associated with intense itching and burning. Sulphur provides relief to itching and burning. Consequently, it also makes the eruptions disappear. Sulphur is one of the deep acting remedies of homeopathy that can eradicate the Ringworm lesions from their roots. Sulphur is my first-line treatment in those cases of Ringworm that have been suppressed with allopathic ointments or medications.
Psorinum: Homeopathic Treatment for Ringworm on scalp & bends of joints
Psorinum is an ideal skin remedy that is prescribed in cases of Ringworm. This natural remedy is recommended for Ringworm infection of the scalp and bends of joints. The person complains of excessive itching in eruptions. In most cases, the itching gets worse in bed because of warmth. Hair loss is another noticeable symptom that leads to prescribing this natural remedy Psorinum for Ringworm of the scalp (Tinea Capitis). In a few cases, the hair seems dry, rough and lustreless. Another key feature is excessive sweating with bad odor throughout the body. This key symptom must be considered every time. The patient requiring it will be highly sensitive to the cold air and it is the guiding symptom for using Psorinum. The patients cannot bear the cold air even in the summer season.
Arsenic Album: Homeopathy for Scalp Ringworm
Arsenicum Album is a highly suggested natural remedy for Ringworm of scalp. There is an intolerable itching along with bald spots on the scalp. The scalp of the person is dry and rough. An intense burning sensation is also felt with itching. The symptoms of burning and itching can be disturbing at night. It is an ideal medicine that is beneficial in all spheres to reduce itching, and burning and also helps in the regrowth of hair on bald spots. Along with the local features, a few general symptoms should also be considered when choosing Arsenic Album for Tinea Capitis. The first feature is acute anxiety and the second feature is extreme restlessness. In addition, the fastidiousness is also present along with a desire for clean surroundings and objects to be placed in a proper place. Another prominent symptom to consider while prescribing Arsenic Album is the thirst for a small quantity of water at very short intervals.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.