Calcarea Phos for Teething – Calcarea Phosphorica for Dentition
In this post, I shall discuss the benefits and uses of Calcarea Phos for Teething or dentition.
Calcarea Phos for Teething – Calcarea Phosphorica for Dentition
Calcarea Phos is one of the famous medicines in homeopathy and most of the mothers know it. It is because it is used as a ‘teething supplement’ and it is a natural homeopathic medicine which has its healing properties. While practicing homeopathy, homeopathic doctors majorly prescribe Calcarea Phos for dentition or teething problems. It is not a jack of all trades while treating dentition problems and cannot be used as single medicine. Its blatant use as a supplement is like you are abusing homeopathy.
When Should Calcarea Phos for Teething be used?
Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Phos provides help in cases of slow teething, delayed teething and retarded dentition. The development of child’s first teeth generally occurs around the age of 6 months, and all the twenty primary teeth aka milk teeth become visible by the age of three years. However, these are estimate or approximation as every child reaches the milestones at a different pace. There can be a delay more than the six months for the first teeth to appear.
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Approximate Timeline of Teething
An approximate timeline of the occurrence of teeth is as follows:
Six-ten (6-10) months: Lower central incisors.
Eight to twelve (8 to 12) months: Top central incisors.
Nine to thirteen (9 to 13) months: Top lateral incisors.
Ten to sixteen (10 to 16) months: Bottom lateral incisors.
Thirteen to nineteen (13 to 19) months: First upper molar.
Fourteen to eighteen (14 to 18) months: First lower molar.
Sixteen to Twenty two (16 to 22)months: Upper canines.
Seventeen to twenty three (17 to 23) months: Lower canines
23 to 31 months: Second lower molar.
25 to 33 months: Second upper molar.
Delayed teething or retarded dentition needs to take into consideration if a child does not show signs of teething by the age of 1. The long-term effects of late dentition include an inability to chew food properly, and the possibility of permanent teeth growing in a crooked manner or out of shape or twisted. Some children develop a double row of teeth due to the permanent teeth development. The permanent teeth start to grow in front of the milk teeth which results in two rows of teeth. The teeth existing beneath the surface of the gums may cause infection around the crown that can spread to surrounding tissue.
In these cases of delayed teething, Calcarea Phosphorica can be safely prescribed and use to promote teething. It can also be prescribed to hasten the process of eruption of teeth from the gums in cases of retarded or slow teething.
Calcarea Phos for Irritability in Children During Dentition
Irritability, incidents of diarrhea during teething, and excessive wind in the abdomen are some other teething-related problems in children where Calcarea Phos acts well and prove to be useful.
As I already told you that most of the babies start teething around 6 months of age. This process may not cause any trouble in a number of children while in others it can be troublesome. In the latter cases, the baby may suffer from crying, excessive irritability, tender gums, swelling of gums, flushing of one cheek, poor feeding, increase salivation, putting fingers and other things in mouth and chewing things. Fever and diarrhea may occur (though not directly associated with teething). Teething children tend to put a number of objects in the mouth, making them prone to catch an infection that brings on diarrhea and fever.
In addition to the above issues, Calcarea Phosphorica is also used in cases where the teeth tend to decay easily as early as they appear.
Key Indications of Calcarea Phosphorica for Teething:
Calcarea Phos is a biochemic Schuessler tissue salt which is mainly prescribed to restore the mineral deficiencies which are producing disorders in the body. It is named after Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler. The common name of this homeopathic medicine is calcium phosphate and it is made from dilute calcium hydroxide and phosphoric acid using the process of potentisation.
Usually, in babies, Calcarea Phos 6x potency is suggested for the sake of teething related issues:
- Slow or retarded teething
- Diarrhea and gas during dentition
- Excessive irritability during dentition
- Delayed teething
- Rapid decaying of teeth soon after they appear or erupt
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed by a competent homeopathic doctor as per the “law of similia.” It means that a homeopathic remedy is used by matching the symptoms of a patient with the symptoms indicated for a particular medicine. The homeopathic remedy that closely matches the symptom picture of the patient should be suggested for best results. Calcarea Phos is a deep acting medicine and must be used only after consulting a competent doctor and self-medication should be avoided.

I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.