Homeopathic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction – Treatment Homeopathy
In this post of Homeo Expert, we shall discuss the best Homeopathic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction or top homeopathic remedies for Erectile Dysfunction or ED.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction – ED Treatment in Homeopathy
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
It is an inability of a man to keep an erection which is sufficient for sexual activity and it is also known as impotence or impotency. Additionally, this disorder can affect man’s self-esteem and self confidence and can also spoil his relationship.
Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction
- Trouble getting an erection
- Reduced sexual desire or appetite
- Trouble keeping and erection
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
- Sexual arousal of a male is a process that combines hormones, brain, emotions, muscles and blood vessels.
- Physical Causes of ED or Erectile Dysfunction
- Heart disease
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Obesity
- Atherosclerosis
- Diabetes
- Parkinson’s disease
- Tobacco use
- Peyronie’s disease (development of scar tissues inside the penis)
- Alcoholism
- Sleep disorders
- Treatment for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
- Surgeries or injuries of spinal cord
Psychological Causes of ED or Erectile Dysfunction
- Stress
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship problems due to stress
- Relationship problems
- Unsatisfactory sex life
- Stress or anxiety
- Inability to pregnant your partner
Also, read our related article
Homeopathy and Erectile Dysfunction
- Agnus Castus – Best Homeopathic medicine for cold and relaxed penis
- Nux Vomica – Best Homeopathic Remedy for impotence due to high life
- Caladium – Best Homeopathic treatment for impotency due to tobacco abuse
- Lycopodium – Top Homeopathic medicine for ED in old age
Top Homeopathic Medicines for Impotency or Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Weakness
Agnus Castus: Best Homeopathic medicine for Complete Erectile Dysfunction
Agnus Castus is the best homeopathic medicine for treating absolute erectile dysfunction. When there is a complete inability to get penile erection during the sexual act, homeopathic medicine Agnus Castus is an ideal medicine for such cases. The genitals of the patient remain relaxed, flaccid and cold while having sex. The patient of Agnus Castus suffers from erectile dysfunction and sexual weakness and also has a mental aversion to involving in the sexual act. Additionally, it is accompanied by decreased physical strength. It is also an ideal homeopathic medicine when the patient does not have physical power to perform the sexual act or desire for sex. Homeopathic medicine Agnus Cast is helpful for erectile dysfunction if the patient does have a history of Gonorrhea.
Selenium: Homeopathic Treatment for Weak and Slow Erection
Selenium is an excellent homeopathic medicine for weak or slow erection rather than complete erectile dysfunction. The erection remains for a very short period and also insufficient. The patient of Selenium has desire for sexual intercourse but unable to do it due to lack of physical strength. Excessive weakness and irritability may also follow the sexual act and can be cured with homeopathic medicine Selenium. In Selenium, the patient also experiences involuntary emission of seminal discharge during sleep. A few patients of Selenium may suffer from dribbling of semen while passing stool or poop.
Caladium Seguinum: Top Homeopathic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction despite desire for sex
When the patient is unable to have erection despite having a desire for sex, homeopathic medicine Caladium is the top medicine for this type of erectile dysfunction. Caladium is also helpful natural remedy for erectile dysfunction when the patient is unable to have an erection even after an embrace. The penis of the patient remains relaxed and unable to get an erection. Additionally, it is also a suitable remedy for erectile dysfunction when it is a result of mental depression. Patients who desire for tobacco can be treated with homeopathic medicine Caladium Seguinum because it will help you to get rid of tobacco addiction. When the addiction of tobacco will be removed, the patient will regain his sexual strength.
Lycopodium: Homeopathic Medicine for young and old with Erectile Dysfunction
Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is equally helpful for treating erectile dysfunction in elderly and young people. In youngsters, Lycopodium is a helpful medicine when erectile dysfunction is a result of excessive masturbation (some people call it hand practice) or increased indulgence in sexual activities. Lycopodium works wonderfully in elder patients when they have desire for sexual activity but they do not have sufficient erection. Sometimes, it may follow premature ejaculation. Old men also suffer from prostate enlargement along with inadequate erections.
Avena Sativa: Homeopathic Tonic for Enhancing sexual power of males
Homeopathic medicine Avena Sativa can be used as a tonic for enhancing the sexual power of men but it should be taken after consulting a competent homeopathic doctor. This homeopathic medicine will remove extreme exhaustion and imperfect erections. Homeopathic medicine Avena Sativa is another homeopathic medicine for erectile dysfunction or impotency when it is a result of overindulgence in sexual activity including masturbation.
Nuphar Luteum: Homeopathic treatment for Erectile Dysfunction With no Desire for sex
Nuphar Luteum is another homeopathic medicine for erectile dysfunction in males where the desire for sexual activity is entirely absent. The patient does not have appetite for sex along with relaxed genitals. Seminal discharges are also present during passing the stool or poop and at times, while urination. Nuphar Luteum is homeopathic treatment for erectile dysfunction when one has zero or no desire for sex.
Yohimbinum: Homeopathic Stimulant for Sexual Desire (aphrodisiac)
Homeopathic medicine Yohimbinum works as a stimulant for sexual desire and increases the sexual desire. It is one of the suitable homeopathic remedies for Neurasthenic impotency. The Neurasthenic condition includes many aspects such as extreme weakness, deficient erection, lack of interest in sexual activity, sadness and irritability etc.
Tribulus Terrestris: Homeopathic medicine for urinary troubles with Erectile Dysfunction
The patient of Tribulus Terrestris complains of urinary problems along with erectile dysfunction. In Tribulus Terr, the patient feels pain while passing urine and the sexual organs are weak in nature. Homeopathic medicine Tribulus Terrestris is a helpful homeopathic remedy for ED with urinary problems.
Caladium Seg and Agnus Castus: Homeopathic Remedies for inability to obtain erection
Caladium Seg and Agnus Castus are the best Homeopathic medicines for erectile dysfunction when the patient is unable to obtain an erection. When he tries to perform the sexual act the erection is entirely absent. The patient of Agnus Castus does not want to indulge in sex with an inability to get erection. But in Caladium Seg, the patient has interest in sexual activity but he lacks the physical strength to obtain an erection. Additionally, in both medicines, the genitalia of the patient are in the state of relaxation.
Use Homeopathic Remedies Acid Phos and Selenium if unable to maintain erection
Acid Phos and Selenium are helpful homeopathic medicines for Erectile dysfunction when the erections last only for a short time with premature ejaculation or premature emissions. These medicines are beneficial when the genitals of the patient are relaxed when he attempts to perform a sexual act. If the patient experiences involuntary semen discharge while passing stool or during sleep or during short erections, Selenium can be considered as helpful medicine. Selenium is also an ideal natural remedy for those patients who do not get pleasure from sex due to early discharge.
Selenium: Homeopathic Medicine for Weak Erection during sex
Homeopathic remedy Selenium is an excellent remedy for feeble or weak erections during sex. If the erections are short and feeble use Selenium after consulting an expert homeopathic doctor. early emissions are always present and the patient feels irritation after the sex due to unfulfillment of the sexual appetite.
Nuphar Luteum and Selenium: Homeopathic medicines for Erectile Dysfunction with Spermatorrhea(involuntary loss of semen)
When the patient experiences involuntary seminal discharge while passing stool or sleeping with erectile dysfunction, Selenium and Nuphar Lut can treat such cases. Nuphar Lut can be a useful remedy when the patient wants to fulfill the desire for sexual act but there is a lack of erection with involuntary emissions. In Selenium, the patient experiences weak erections and spermatorrhea with sexual desire.
Agnus Castus: Homeopathic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction with depression and sadness
Agnus Castus is one of the top homeopathic remedies for erectile dysfunction when the patient is sad with aversion to sex and no erection too. Homeopathic medicine Agnus Castus will help in all the symptoms: relieve the sadness, arouse the sexual feelings and obtain erections.
Acid Phos as Homeopathic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction in males with Diabetes Mellitus
Acid Phos is a suitable natural remedy for treating males who suffer from Diabetes Mellitus with erectile dysfunction. Homeopathic medicine Acid Phos can be used to increase sex power of such patients. The genitals of the patient are cold and relaxed and seminal emissions may present while sleeping. Physical debility and mental exhaustion are also present in such males. Acid Phos is an ideal homeopathic treatment for diabetic patients.
Agnus Castus: Homeopathic Medicine for Erectile Dysfunction with a history of Gonorrhea
Agnus Castus is also a suitable treatment for erectile dysfunction in those patients who suffered from Gonorrhea in their lives. If the patient does not have an erection and the penis is completely relaxed and the patient does not want to have sexual activity. Agnus Castus will give cure to these patients and revive the lost sexual power as a result of Gonorrheal attacks.
Avena Sativa: Homeopathic Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction after Sexual Excesses or Masturbation (Hand Practice)
Avena Sativa is the best homeopathic treatment for male who suffer from erectile dysfunction due to indulgence in extreme sexual acts like masturbation. It will rejuvenate your sexual drive and tone up the body. Additionally, it will also enhance your energy then you will get normal erections and will restore your power to indulge in sex.
Homeopathic Medicines for Impotency with Tobacco addiction
If you are suffering from impotency with an addiction to tobacco, Lycopodium and Caladium can help you. First of all, these medicines will remove the desire for tobacco and increase the vigour of sexual ability. The sexual desire is present in both medicines. But in Caladium, there is a complete absence of penis erection is present. The patient of Lycopodium complains of insufficient or incomplete erection.
Homeopathic Medicines to Increase the Libido in males
Agnus Castus stands at the top of the list in homeopathic medicine to increase the libido. Additionally, it also arouses the sexual desire to have sex in those patients who experience complete impotency and aversion to sex. In Nuphar Lut, the symptoms are almost the same except one. The patient of Nuphar Lut suffers from involuntary semen discharge while urination or passing the stool or sleeping.
Lycopodium: Homeopathic medicine for Erectile Dysfunction in elderly people
Lycopodium is an ideal homeopathic remedy for old people with erectile dysfunction. The patient of this medicine complains about insufficient erections for a short time. The sexual desire is present but the emissions are premature.
Sabal Serrulata: Homeopathic Treatment for Impotency (Erectile Dysfunction) with Prostate Enlargement
Sabal Serrulata is another homeopathic medicine to treat decreased penile erections with enlargement of the prostate gland in male. The patient suffers from urinary troubles along with erectile dysfunction. Homeopathic medicines are helpful for treating Erectile dysfunction but do not self medicate. Otherwise, you will be in hot water.
- Manage your diabetes and heart disease with the help of your doctor.
- Stop smoking
- Avoid alcohol
- Reduce stress
- Exercise regularly
- Make a healthy lifestyle
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.
I am 54 yrs old male having Diabetes for the last 15 yrs. PP sugar between 140 to 170. Also having High B.P. which fluctuate between lower 100 and upper 170. Taking Allopathic medicines Gluconorm G-2 and Gluconorm Forte with Telma40 for B.P. For the last 3-4 yrs facing Ed problem. Urge for the sex is there but unable to perform due to weak erection. Wants a concrete and full proof treatment for my problem in Homeopathy. Or I may be informed about the medicines to be taken with their potency or form of the medicine.
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