Homeopathic Medicine for Hernia – Hernia Treatment in Homeopathy
In this post of Homeo Expert, we shall discuss the best Homeopathic Medicine for Hernia or Homeopathic remedies for Hernia.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Hernia – Hernia Treatment in Homeopathy
Homeopathic Treatment for Hernia
Whenever someone has an abnormal swelling or lump in the body, he goes for the option of surgery and removes it. In cases of Hernia, the patients also consider the surgery as the only option but they are wrong. It is due to the fact that homeopathic medicines for hernia can cure the condition and they are also devoid of side-effects.
What is Hernia or Definition of Hernia
Hernia is a state when an organ pushes through to create an abnormal opening in the wall, muscle or tissue it is known as Hernia. Therefore, we can say that the weakness of the abdominal muscles is the main cause of hernia. Some of the patients have weak abdomen muscles from birth. It can also be acquired and this can be a result of different factors including repeated pregnancy, obesity or excessive fat in the abdomen, chronic cough, constipation and excessive weight lifting. Homeopathic medicines for hernia give complete cure to any type of hernia because they are safe and without side effects.
Types of Hernia
Inguinal Hernia
It is the most common type of hernia and it is 70 percent of all the types of hernias. This type of hernia can develop in both adults as well as infants and the swelling occurs in the groin. It occurs when the intestines push through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles. Do not worry homeopathic medicine for an inguinal hernia is available.
Umbilical Hernia
It is another common type of hernia among women and infants. It occurs when the intestines push through the abdominal wall near the bellybutton. Do not worry homeopathic medicine for Umbilical hernia is available.
Femoral Hernia
This type of hernia is also common in women and it is not common in children. In this type of hernia, the abdominal organs push through the femoral canal which is available in the upper inner thigh region. Do not think about getting a surgery because homeopathic treatment for femoral hernia is available.
Incarcerated/Obstructed Hernia
It is another type of hernia in which the colon or lumen of intestine gets obstructed and as a result, it becomes obstructed hernia. Have obstructed hernia and looking for obstructed hernia treatment in homeopathy? You are at the right place.
Strangulated Hernia
It is another type of hernia in which the arterial supply of the contents of hernia ceases with intestinal obstruction. Homeopathic medicine can also cure strangulated hernia.
Hiatus Hernia is another type of hernia if you want to read about it, see our article about
Causes of Hernia
- Weakness of muscles and strain
- When the abdominal wall is unable to close properly in the womb
- Chronic coughing
- Pregnancy (puts pressure on your belly)
- Constipation (it causes strain on abdomen)
- Ascites (water or fluid in the body)
- Obesity or weight gain
- Smoking (it gives rise to chronic cough)
Symptoms of Hernia
- Bulge or lump in the affected area
- Pain in the area when bending, coughing or lifting
- Feeling of heaviness in abdomen
- Acidity (acids move backward into the esophagus)
- Chest pain
- Vomiting in strangulated or obstructed hernia
- Abdominal pain
Top Homeopathic Medicines for Hernia
Nux Vomica: Best Homeopathic Remedy for all types of Hernia
Nux Vomica is a natural Homeopathic cure for almost all types of hernias including umbilical, inguinal and femoral. It is a suitable remedy for the patients of hernia and the cause of their weakened muscles is long-standing constipation. The patient of this medicine wants to pass the poop or stool but he passes scanty stool which is unsatisfactory. Such a patient wants to have alcohol or coffee and he also feels very cold. The symptoms of weakness along with soreness are also available in such cases. Nux Vomica is considered as umbilical treatment in homeopathy for the treatment of infants.
Calcarea Carbonica: Homeopathic Medicine for Hernia in obese people
Calcarea Carbonica is a top Homeopathic treatment for Hernia if the patient is obese. So it can be prescribed to obese people who possess weak abdominal muscles due to excessive fat in the abdomen. The patients of this medicine are unable to bear with tight clothes around the waist. Additionally, it is also a useful homeopathic remedy for hernia in children when there is excessive sweat on the head is present. In this medicine, the patient is sensitive to cold air and also wants to have boiled eggs or chalk.
Lycopodium Clavatum: Homeopathic Treatment for Hernia with weak digestion, excessive flatulence
Lycopodium is a suitable homeopathic medicine for hernia when the patient has weak digestion and excessive flatulence in the abdomen. The patient of this medicine desire for sweets and wants to have hot food and drinks.
Rhus Toxicodendron: Homeopathic Remedy for Hernia due to excessive weight lifting
Rhus Tox is an excellent homeopathic medicine for hernia when it occurs due to the weak muscles as a result of excessive strain by lifting heavy weight. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox has the ability to give strength to the abdominal muscles.
Silicea: Homeopathic treatment for Hernia with excessive perspiration on feet
Silicea is another helpful homeopathic medicine for hernia in those patients who encounter excessive and offensive sweating on the feet. The patient of this medicine wants to get warm cloth because he feels very chilly. It is also a suitable homeopathic medicine for hernia in children who are obstinate, weak and headstrong in nature.
Best Homeopathic Treatment for Hernia
Best Homeopathic medicines for Inguinal Hernia – Inguinal hernia treatment in homeopathy
Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium is a suitable medicine for inguinal hernia if a hernia is of the right side. Excessive flatulence in the abdomen is the main symptom of Lycopodium Clavatum. The patient of Lycopodium desires for hot drinks and sweets. In order to get the homeopathic treatment for inguinal hernia of left side, Cocculus Indicus is an excellent remedy. The abdomen of the patient is bloated due to flatus in Cocculus and gets relief when lying on side and also desires for cold drinks. Nausea is also experienced by the patients of Cocculus Indicus. Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is a useful medicine for inguinal hernia in children for the left side. In addition, the child also experiences chronic constipation with extreme anger.
Homeopathic Remedies for treating Umbilical Hernia – Umbilical hernia treatment in homeopathy
I suggest homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb as the best homeopathic treatment for Umbilical hernia. It is helpful when the patient possesses excessive fat in the abdomen. The abdomen of the patient cannot tolerate a slight pressure and also desires for boiled eggs. In addition, the patient of Calcarea Carb does not like milk and milk also make the condition of the patient worse. Nux Vomica can be considered as a natural homeopathic medicine for Umbilical hernia when the patient is constipated from a long duration. In addition, it can also treat the strangulated hernia of Umbilicus. Chamomilla works wonder in the treatment of Umbilical hernia in children. The child of this medicine experiences intense pain in the umbilical region. The child also feels irritation of superlative degree.
Homeopathic medicines for treating Femoral Hernia – Femoral Hernia Treatment in Homeopathy
Lycopodium and Nux Vomica are equally good homeopathic remedies for Femoral hernia. The patients of Nux Vomica feel chilly and experience chronic constipation as well. In addition, they desire for alcoholic drinks, fatty food and coffee. The patients of Lycopodium are thin, weak and encounter excessive flatulence in the abdomen. They desire for warm food and warm drinks. In Lycopodium, the condition of the patient becomes worse during 4 pm and 8 pm.
Homeopathic Remedies Opium and Tabacum for treatment of obstructed or incarcerated Hernia
Opium is another homeopathic medicine for hernia when the type of hernia is Obstructed or incarcerated. The abdomen of the patient is bloated and it is also hard to touch along with retention of faeces in intestines. In addition, the patient also vomits that contains faecal matter with no desire to pass the stool. Tabacum is another homeopathic remedy for Incarcerated hernia when the abdomen of the patient is distended and also painful to touch. The symptom of excessive nausea along with constipation is also present. The patient also wants to uncover his abdomen. Vomiting of faecal matter may occur in such cases.
Homeopathic Remedies Plumbum Metallicum and Colocynthis for Strangulated Hernia
Plumbum Metallicum is an outstanding homeopathic medicine for strangulated hernia. It can be used when the patient feels abdominal colic along with obstruction of stool and flatus. In addition, the patient also experiences like a string is pulling the abdominal wall towards the spine. Colocynth gives relief to abdominal colic in strangulated hernia when the patient gets relief by bending double or applying pressure on the abdomen.
- Eat oil free foods
- Reduce the meal to 3/4th of the stomach.
- Small meals to avoid the acidity
- Do not wear tight waist belt
- Avoid Smoking
- Avoid Spicy and oily foods
- Get rid of Overeating
- Maintain healthy body weight
- Avoid heavy weight lifting which is too heavy to lift
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
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