Best Homeopathic Medicine for Weight Loss or Obesity
In this article of homeo expert, we shall discuss the best homeopathic medicine for weight loss or obesity.
Best Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Weight Loss or Obesity
First of all, we should know what is obesity, its causes, symptoms and diagnosis. Then we shall be able to find the best homeopathic medicine for weight loss or obesity.
What is Obesity?
Obesity means having an excessive fat collection in the body. There is always the best weight for every age and sex. If adults 35 or older than 35, having BMI greater than 30, we consider it obesity. What is BMI? It is an abbreviation of Body Mass Index and we shall discuss this later in detail. We call it morbid obesity if a person is overweight by 45 kgs to what is normal for their age and sex. Obesity has increased since the mid-seventies and it is found in developed countries. In fact, obesity has become uncontrolled that more and more children and teenagers are obese these days. In the United States, 70% of the population has become obese.
Obesity can lead to different illnesses and disabilities including:
Complications of Obesity
- High Blood Pressures
- Diabetes
- Heart diseases including heart attack and congestive heart failure
- Gallbladder diseases including gallstones
- Respiratory problems
- Osteoarthritis
- Stroke
- Insulin resistance
- High Cholesterol
- It can increase the risk of cancerous conditions in both women and men
Therefore, we should use the best homeopathic medicine for weight loss or obesity to get rid of it.
Causes of Obesity
There are a number of theories available to explain the causes of obesity.
We measure the energy value of food in units that is, calories. Average man needs 2500 calories a day in order to maintain healthy weight. Average physically active woman requires 2000 calories a day. There is another problem with the people, they are not physically active and they consume a lot of calories. As a result those calories are stored as fat in the body.
Poor Diet
Obesity does not develop overnight. It develops slowly which is a result of poor diet and lifestyle including:
Eating large number of fast food: high in fat as well as sugar.
Drinking too much Alcohol: Alcohol contains a lot of calories and people who drink are usually overweight.
Drinking too much sugar drinks: It includes soft drinks and fruit juice.
Comfort eating: If you are feeling depressed, you may eat to feel better.
Genetics or Genes versus Environment
A person can develop obesity if one or both parents of the person are obese. There are several environmental conditions which can get over the action of genes in obesity. We can quote the example of famine which can prevent obesity if they are prone to it genetically. There are several conditions found in which obesity has become the feature right for them. Obesity is a big health issue which is a reason for tension for the people of every age group.
Race and Socio-economic conditions
The effect of obesity and related health conditions vary from person to person. It depends on their age, gender, race, smoking and income. In the developing countries, obesity is available in higher socio-economic layers. In the developed countries, we find obesity in the lower socio-economic layers.
The balance of calorie intake and energy expenditure identifies the person’s weight. If a person is having or eating more calories than he burns, the person will gain weight. In addition, if a person eats few calories than he or she burns, it will lead to weight loss. Therefore, we can say that overeating and physical inactivity are one of the major causes of obesity.
Additional features causing Obesity
- Eating disorders
- Insufficient sleep
- Stress
- Weight cycling – repeated attempts to do dieting in order to lose weight
- Medications can also lead to Obesity
- Psychotic Drugs
- There are four major groups of drugs or medicines which can be a cause of obesity: Benzodiazepines, Lithium, Antidepressants, Antipsychotic drugs
- Estrogens
- Insulin
- Steroids
- Sulphonylurea agents that are used in treatments of diabetes
- High blood pressure
Medical Conditions
A pregnant woman gains weight because of the increased demand for energy and high metabolic activity of the body. Hormonal changes have become another reason to gain weight and obesity. Women are famous to gain weight from 12 to 16 kgs during the span of pregnancy.
Tumors arising in the brain which are non-malignant tumors and they commonly occur in children. The children from (5-15 age group) along with lethargy, poor memory and recurring headaches.
Endocrine Disorders
Those disorders which affect the production and secretion of the glands are known as endocrine disorders.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or PCOD
It is a condition in which women’s sex hormones are out of balance. As a result, it will be an abnormal increase in the production of the male hormones that is, androgens. Androgens cause obesity, irregular periods, acne and hair loss. Homeopathy not only have homeopathic medicine for weight loss or obesity, it also treats PCOS.
Hypothyroidism causes obesity instead of loss of appetite.
Cushing syndrome
It is a disorder in which the human body produces excessive cortisol which leads to obesity. There are several symptoms accompanied by obesity including weakness and fatigue.
How to measure Obesity?
We have already talked about the famous calculator BMI that is, Body Mass Index.
What is BMI?
It measures the body fat by including the height and weight which applies to both adult men and women. It is one of the best methods to assess the body weight, overweight and obesity. Additionally, the people can compare their weight with the general population as well. You need height, weight and BMI formula for calculation.
1 Pound(lbs)=0.45 Kg
One kg = 2.2 Pounds (lbs)
1 Feet=0.304 meters
You have to put your weight and height in the calculator to get the result. Here are the reference ranges.
Underweight: under 18.5 percent
Normal: 18.5 to 24.9 percent
Overweight: 25.0 to 29.9
Obese (class 1): 30.0 and 34.9
Morbid obesity (class 2): 35-39.9
BMI range from 30 to 35 indicates your obesity. For adults who are more than 35 years old, we can consider 27 as obesity. BMI range less than 19 shows mal-nutrition. If you get 25 to 30 BMI, it means that you are overweight for your age and sex. BMI more than 40 indicates morbid obesity.
BMI is also not suitable in several cases
- Elderly people who are physically weak
- Deformities of the spine
- Children who are growing up very fast
- Pregnant woman
- Bodybuilders and athletes
In these cases, there are other methods to assess obesity.
CT and MRI Scans
These methods are well known which can easily assess the collection of fat cells in the body. Additionally, they are reliable and can easily identify the points of fat collection prevailing in the body.
Wasit Circumference, Abdomino Gluteal Ratio or Waist-Hip Ratio WHR
These measurements have a strong effect on general health and fertility. 0.9 ratio is an ideal ratio for men. A ratio of 0.7 in women is ideal and healthy. WHR is a better tool to measure the risk of heart attack in the human body than BMI. In this modern age, it is evident that if a man or woman is suffering from central obesity. It will lead to cardiovascular diseases. The absolute waist circumference ( > 102 cm in men and > 88 in women) or waist-hip ratio (>0.9 for men and >0.85 for women) are a measure of central obesity. You do not need to worry because the best homeopathic medicines for weight loss or obesity are available.
It is the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body. It is due to the limitation of BMI in certain occasions. BMI is an unsuitable tool in several occasions for health assessment. When a person gathers fats in the body, he deposits it under the skin before depositing it to other organs. We can use skin calipers to measure the fat that is available under the skin. In addition, there are two more tools to study obesity.
Densitometry (to measure the weight under the water)
Water dilution methods
Symptoms and Diagnosis of Overweight
The World Health Organization or WHO has classified obesity as a metabolic disorder. Obese people approach the doctors when their health condition becomes worst due to obesity.
Signs and Symptoms
Your diabetes is not improving despite all medications and you are overweight as well. You need to know that all the fat people do not develop diabetes but 80% of diabetics are obese.
- If you are having trouble in conceiving. Obesity also causes impotency and infertility.
- The disturbance of menses or irregular menses. You have them too often or they come in flow and appear later than expected.
- You have recently developed hypertension or your existing hypertension is not responding well to medications.
- If you are having increased daytime sleep, there are chances that you will suffer from sleep apnea.
- Obesity can increase the chances of skin infections in the body.
- Obesity can also lead to several chemical changes in the body. In some masses, the level of Uric Acid rises in the blood and it gives rise to gout. Gout is a common condition which causes joint inflammation.
- The joints which are bearing the weight of the body including knees, ankles and backbones. They will suffer from osteoarthritis (joint inflammation). A backache and pain in the knee are common among the obese people.
- Young children who are suffering from obesity are vulnerable to joint problems. It includes the joints of the knee.
- Obesity can also give rise to varicose veins.
Homeopathic Treatment for Weight Loss or Obesity
Before going through homeopathic treatment for weight loss or obesity, we have ideal treatment plans as well. It includes the changing diet and behavior. It means that we should change our diet or lifestyle before looking for homeopathic remedies for weight loss. After the diet, you can do exercise and lastly, you can go for homeopathy for weight loss.
Diet or Lifestyle Amendments
Excessive use of calories can become stored fat. A good diet includes high nutritive foods with low calories. You should not follow the idea of starving and crash diets seldom treat the situation. You will give up this idea either out of frustration or weakness. Despite starving, you can eat more by selecting the right type of food. You should try to achieve healthier weight not go for ideal weight.
Do not Avoid Carbohydrates
Avoid the amount of simple carbohydrates like sugar and consume complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates give sufficient minerals and vitamins to produce energy. Wheatgerm, bran (chokar), oats(jo), cornmeal, maize(corn), buckwheat and barley are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. They are the best food if you consume them in their natural states.
If you are unable or uncomfortable to use the complex carbohydrates on daily basis. We have other options as well.
- pasta and its varieties
- whole grain cereals
- muesli
- shredded wheat
- porridge oats
- corn
- yam(shakar qandi)
- oat cakes
- lentils(daal)
- beans
- brown rice
- potatoes
- brown bread
- pitta bread
Foods to avoid and Eat
Avoid the foods that promise dramatic weight loss in a little time. If you are losing rapid weight, it means that you are also losing a lot of protein and other fluids in the body. It will decrease your body muscles and it leads to exhaustion. If you will use the ideal diet, it will enable the body to burn fats while saving muscle proteins.
You need to avoid animal fats which lead to the condition like hypertension and diabetes. In addition, animal fats are replete with cholesterol which can cause heart diseases with obesity.
Include high fiber foods in your diet including vegetables, beans, fruits and whole grains. They are replete with fiber and it will prevent excessive absorption of carbohydrates from the intestines. Additionally, you should have plenty of yellow, red and orange fruits which are high in antioxidants.
Drink plenty of water because the recent studies show that drinking more water can increase your metabolic rates. And it will be helpful in burning more calories in the form of fat.
Lastly, you need to maintain a balance between the calories intake and energy expenditure. It is due to the fact that obese people consume more calories than they require and also burn lesser calories.
Additionally, take homeopathic medicine for weight loss or obesity.
Points to Maintain Balance
- Start being more active
- Walk more, do not use or less use your vehicle
- Avoid using the vehicle for short distances = try to walk or cycling for short distance
- Use stairs instead of always using the lift or elevators
- Try to participate in recreational sports instead of watching television and surfing the internet
- If you consume 3500 excess calories, you will get 0.5kg (1lb). Your weight can fluctuate day to day and some people get 2lb to 5lb per year. Your aim should be to remain the same from week to week.
- Try to have moderate sizing when you visit the restaurant. Do not have heavy desserts. Additionally, try to split your dish with your friend and do not order any product which is super-sized.
- Try to eat a variety of foods and do not obtain vitamin and mineral nutrients from supplements.
Homeopathic Remedies for Weight Loss Fast
You cannot wait for a miracle for obesity but there are homeopathic remedies which can help you. Homeopathic medicine for weight loss or obesity encourages weight loss faster. Homeopathic medicine for obesity does not slow or stop the organ functions. It gives rise to the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Whether it is Homeopathy for weight loss or for any other problem, it can boost your ability to recover.
Before selecting the best homeopathic medicine for weight loss, we have to go through complete health history. It is due to the fact that obesity can occur because of different causes so the health history is needed for a patient.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Obesity
Before selecting the best homeopathic medicine for obesity, we should know that how it works. Homeopathy will help you to lose weight and it can happen by improving your digestion. Additionally, it will also improve your metabolism as well. At times, you can burn your calories faster by using the best homeopathic medicine for obesity. If you want to get homeopathy treatment for weight loss, you need to go through diagnosis.
5 Best Homeopathic medicines for weight loss
Calcarea Carbonica for Weight Loss or Obesity
It tops the list of homeopathic weight loss medicines and it is a natural homeopathic medicine. It is given when there is an excess fat in the abdomen and metabolism is not working properly. Therefore, it results in weight gain or obesity. A person who needs this medicine will have excessive sweat on his forehead. The patient also suffers from constipation due to sluggish attitude. We can consider this medicine if excessive weight gain is due to thyroid problems. Calcarea Carbonica is also helpful in post pregnancy weight gain and it can help to reduce it.
Natrum Mur is another homeopathic Medicine for Weight Loss or Obesity
It is also used to lose weight and it is recommended when there is an excess fat in the thighs and buttocks as compared to other parts of the body. Homeopathic doctors also give this medicine if a person has gained the weight due to continued stress or depression. The symptoms include the excessive heat in the body and he cannot bear with the heat of the sun. They use extra salts in diets and suffer from anemia. Homeopathic doctors prescribe it when a person weeps a lot in depression along with increased appetite.
Lycopodium is another homeopathic medicine for Weight Loss or Obesity
It is also considerable when there is an excess fat in the thighs and buttocks like Natrum Mur. The patient who suffers from gas and constipation problems will require this medicine. They like to eat hot drinks, hot food and sweet food.
Nux Vomica is another homeopathic medicine for Weight Loss or Obesity
Nux Vomica is suitable for those patients who spend enough time in sitting. Chronic sufferers of constipation require this medicine because it is an important symptom of this medicine. The patient of this medicine likes to eat spicy food, fatty food, coffee and alcoholic drinks.
Antimonium Crudum is another best homeopathic medicine for Weight Loss or Obesity
This homeopathic medicine for obesity is prescribed for obese children to help them to lose weight. The patient of this medicine has extreme irritability, do not want to be touched or looked. They do not want to have cool bathing. Additionally, the child wants to eat acidic things including pickles. The patient gets better in the open air. The tongue of the child, in this case, becomes white coated. He also has a habit of overeating.
Ignatia is another Homeopathic Medicine for Weight Loss or Obesity
Ignatia is helpful in reducing the weight of a person if the cause of obesity is depression. It is suitable for those persons who eat to great extent due to sadness or grief. The mood of the person changes from laughter to tears and sadness to happiness.
Calcarea Carb and Lycopodium are the best homeopathic remedies for Weight Loss or Obesity Who gain weight due to hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which thyroid gland of the body which controls the metabolism is not functioning properly. Therefore, these medicines can be helpful in reducing weight.
Graphites and Sepia are the best homeopathic remedies for Weight Loss or Obesity in women who gain excess weight during Menopause.
Menopause is a stage in which women monthly cycles end. This period also indicates the reproductive inability of women. This stage takes place with hormonal changes in the human body that leads to weight gain. Women will feel heaviness and bulkiness in the body, therefore, we should consider Graphites and Sepia in this case. It will help you to lose weight without any side effects.
Ammonium Carb and Antimonium Crudum are the best homeopathic remedies for weight loss or Obesity
It is suitable for those patients who are replete with fats in the upper body as compared to legs which are thin. Additionally, the patient will be sluggish and always feels tired and weak. They also have a sedentary lifestyle. Antimonium Crudum is suitable for those who have a habit of eating beyond their limits or capacity. They also complain about loose stool and constipated stool along with white coated tongue.
Baryta Carb is another homeopathic medicine for Weight Loss or Obesity in children
It is suitable for obese children who have lack of confidence and dull. Additionally, they are mentally and physically weak and may face recurring throat infections.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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Sources : Wikipedia
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.