Lachesis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage
Dr. Hering introduced Homeopathic medicine lachesis in homeopathy. It is one of the top homeopathic medicines to cure depression, schizophrenia, menopausal complaints, pain in ovaries, schizophrenia, hemorrhages (for instance bleeding).
Potency: 200, 1M, 10M, CM
Source: Snake Poison
Constitution of ‘Lachesis’
It is an ideal choice for thin, weak people with melancholic disposition. It also works well in women who reached the menopause phase. In addition, it is also suitable for alcoholics.
Action of Lachesis
This medicine has a notable action on the mind and has the ability to manage as well as to treat the psychological disorders including depression and schizophrenia. It also has a marked effect on blood vessels that is why it helps control bleeding. Additionally, it is also helpful for the improvement of blood circulation and ideal in varicose veins and varicose ulcers.
Role as a Homeopathic Medicine
1. Mental Complaints
It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to cure schizophrenia (mental health illness that affects how a person feels, thinks and take into account the reality). As a result, the person hallucinates (hearing or seeing things that do not exist), delusions (false beliefs that are not reality based). It is highly recommended for persons having delusions of being followed by foes who are trying to harm them or delusions of being poisoned. Other than this, they also have delusion that they are under the control of superhuman power. They may also be excessively talkative (Puls), constantly jumping from one subject to another. It is also a useful remedy in cases of depression. The people who need this medicine remain unhappy, sad and anxious. They feel abandoned. They are tired of life and an aversion to work is also present. They also do not wish to talk and desire to remain alone. They hate life and desire for death.
2. Left-sided Headaches
It is mainly indicated in left sided problems so it can be helpful in left sided headaches as well. The patient of Lachesis has tearing, throbbing or drawing pain in left side of the head. Along with headache, the persons also complain of congestion and heat in the head. At times, the symptom of nausea and vomiting also occur during pain in the head. Other persons who require it may have flickering before the eyes or dimness of the vision. The headache gets worse at night because the symptoms of this remedy get worse at night. The heat of the sun may also result in headache. Apart from the previous features, it is highly suggested in women who suffer from headache during or after menopause.
3. Inflamed throat and Tonsillitis
Lachesis Mutus also helps to reduce inflammation of the tonsils and throat. It is prescribed to those persons who have pain in throat and tonsils. Most times the pain from the throat radiates to the ears in them. The swallowing of liquids worsen the pain. Touch and pressure on the throat give rise to the pain. Other features are dryness, constriction and a burning sensation in the throat. At times, there is a sensation of lump in the throat is also present. Sometimes a stinging sensation is experienced in the throat. When we look at the throat is swollen red with dark purplish red color of tonsils. In most cases, the ulcers may be observed on throat. In addition to the previous throat symptoms, it is also recommended to cure quinsy (pus collection behind the tonsils) too.
4. Rectal Problems
It is an ideal medicine to deal with piles and constipation. The sluggish bowel movements can be improved by using this remedy and also provide relief in constipation. It is recommended when the stool is hard in nature and passed with difficulty. The poop is insufficient and scanty in nature and the odor is also offensive. The people who need this remedy have ineffectual desire to evacuate rectum. The bowels are also bloated and a feeling of pressure with gas is also present. There is also a feeling of constriction in the anus.
Apart from constipation, it is also beneficial in cases of piles. There is a stitching pain in the protruding piles and it is the main symptom that indicates it. The piles protrude after each defecation. After passing the poop, burning and soreness in the anus is experienced. Additionally, there is shooting pain, throbbing and itching in the rectal region are also felt by the person. It is also useful for women complain of piles during the menopausal stage.
5. Female Complaints
It is an ideal medicine when it comes to curing female problems.
First of all, it is very useful in relieving the complaints during menopause. The troubles that can be managed from this remedy include hot flashes, headaches, heat in the head, palpitations, metrorrhagia (inter menstrual bleeding), and fainting spells during menopause. Additionally, the depression of females during menopause period can also be managed with this medicine.
Secondly, it is recommended for ovaries pain in females. Mostly the pain occurs in the left side of the ovary. The pain can be stitching, sharp, shooting, burning or drawing in nature. Pressure makes the pain worse. They also narrated the pain worsen from exertion and walking. Periods may also be prolonged or profuse in nature. Ovarian pain is relieved from it due to various causes such as ovarian cyst, ovarian inflammation (ovaritis), and ovarian tumor.
It is prescribed to females with painful menses. Females need this will complain of pain during menses especially the first day. The pelvis feels labor-like pains. Ovarian pain of the left side is also there.
Apart from this, it also improves menstrual flow. Females with scanty menses or short duration period can be cured with this medicine. The color of the period is dark and may contain an offensive smell.
6. Lower Limbs Complaints
If we have a look at lower limbs, it is prescribed to cure sciatica (pain that travels from lower back through the hips down the leg through the sciatic nerve). It is indicated when the pain is unbearable, violent and shooting in nature. The pain tends to worsen after sleeping. The pains come suddenly and disappear slowly.
It is also useful in terms of treating varicose veins on the legs (twisted, enlarged or engorged veins because of improper valve functioning in the legs’ veins).
It is suggested to manage the cases of varicose ulcers (sore developing on the leg mostly occur on the inner side of leg just above the ankle because of poor blood circulation).
7. Anti-Hemorrhagic
It is a great medicine to control bleeding (anti-hemorrhagic). It is prescribed to treat bleeding from urine, nose, blood in stool, blood in vomiting etc. The main feature to consider here while recommending it is dark, blackish bleeding.
8. Skin Problems
To deal with skin complaints, this medicine has remarkable results to manage the cases of boils (pus filled lumps) and carbuncles. The key feature to indicate it is the bluish purple surroundings to the lumps.
After that, it is indicated in purpura which stands for purple-colored blood spots under the skin that are a result of the bursting of small blood vessels.
Lastly, it is also used in cases of bed sores when they contain black edges.
Lachesis is a snake poison, it should be recommended from 200, 1M and CM potency. It is prepared from snake poison so it should not be repeated on a regular basis.
Do not use this medicine without the recommendation of a competent doctor.
Complementary medicines of Lachesis Mutus are Crotalus Cascavella, Lycopodium, Hepar Sulph. These medicines can be recommended after Lachesis to complete its curative work.
Inimical or incompatible medicines include Acetic Acid, Nitric Acid and Carbolic Acid.
Antidotes of Lachesis are Arsenicum Album, Nux Vomica, Merc Sol.

I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.