Hecla Lava: Homeopathic Medicine – Uses, Benefits, Dosage & Indications
Homeopathic medicine Hecla Lava is produced from volcanic ash from Mount Hecla situated in Iceland. This ash has silica, lime, magnesia, alumina and some oxide of iron. After going through the potentization process (a procedure that extracts the medicinal effect from crude form), this volcanic ash turns into a highly valuable homeopathy remedy Hecla Lava. This medicine is very useful in clinical cases of problems pertaining to bones, jaw, teeth and also facial neuralgia.
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It can be 30, 200, and 1M potency.
Drug Action
The action of Hecla Lava is most noticeable on teeth, bones, jaw and nerves of the face. Apart from this, the joints also respond well to it. In addition, it also works well in breast tumors and insufficient milk production.
Clinical Indications
Osteomyelitis, bone tumors, bone disorders, bone spurs, teeth decay, dental abscess, toothache, facial neuralgia, jaw pain, exostosis, Osgood – Schlatter disease, arthritis deformans, arthritic nodosities, breast tumors, maxillary polyp and deficient milk production.
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Teeth and jaw (Toothache, tooth decay, dental abscess, dental fistula and nerve pain after tooth extraction)
This homeopathic remedy shows excellent results on teeth and jaws. It is frequently prescribed to cure multiple issues related to jaws and teeth. It is extensively used to treat toothache. The remedy is brilliant when there are complaints of sensitivity of teeth to pressure along with swelling around the jaws. A digging or boring pain is felt in the jawbone. The medicine is also well-indicated to treat the cases of decayed teeth. It is also highly preferred to deal with facial nerve pain that is accompanied by decayed teeth. If facial nerve pain is a result of tooth extraction, this remedy acts well to relieve pain. Another useful usage of this remedy is when there is a dental abscess (a condition in which pus-filled pocket inside teeth or gums). It will be prescribed when swelling and pain are felt on pressing the affected tooth along with pus. Another prominent point to consider it when pus formation or enlargement of jaw bone occur near the area where tooth extraction had been performed. Another striking feature of this medicine is its use in cases of dental fistula. Along with this, it is highly recommended in managing of swelling of upper jaw with soreness (painful to touch).
Hecla Lava Symptoms
- Tooth pain with marked sensitivity to pressure and swelling about jaws
- Decayed teeth
- Dental fistula
- Facial nerve pain due to decayed tooth
- Facial nerve pain followed by tooth extraction
- Dental abscess that contains pus, swelling and pain on pressing the affected tooth
2. Face (Facial Nerve Pain, Polyp In Maxillary Sinus)
Hecla Lava is also useful on the face. It is highly useful in cases of nerve pain (facial neuralgia) due to its action on the face. The relief from its usage is marked when facial nerve pain occurs due to decayed teeth or caused after tooth extraction. Apart from this, it is also helpful in polyps that start developing in maxillary sinus (they start forming on the lining of the maxillary sinus and are non-cancerous) and moves to nearby structures. Due to this, the facial features start distorting, forces the eyeball up and resulting in the eversion of eyelids and nasal blockage. In addition, it also causes difficulty breathing, bleeding from the nose and headaches.

Main Indicating Features
Facial nerve pain caused by the irritation of a decayed tooth. Polyps development in maxillary sinus after tooth extraction.
3. Bones (Bone Spurs, Bone Necrosis, Bone Tumors, Osteomyelitis, Periostitis, Osgood – Schlatter Disease, Osteosarcoma)
Hecla Lava has an exceptional action on bones. It is a remarkable remedy to cure various bone-related issues. It is a very powerful medicine to treat cases of bone spurs and exostosis. Bone spurs and exostosis are conditions in which extra bone develops on an existing one. It is highly recommended for exostosis or bone spur develop especially in the jaw, head, fingers or leg bones. It is worth mentioning the way it dissolves the bony outgrowths. The medicine is highly beneficial in cases of osteomyelitis (inflammation of bone) and inflammation of periosteum means periostitis (connective tissue is around the bone).

Hecla Lava is an ideal remedy for Osgood – Schlatter disease (painful lump develops below knee cap due to multiple injuries in children). In addition, this remedy is also helpful in cases of necrosis (necrosis stands for death of bone cells) and bone damage. Bone tumors resulting from injury, and bone cysts can also be treated well from Hecla Lava.
Apart from this, when it comes to homeopathic therapeutics, this medicine is also helpful in cases of bone cancer (osteosarcoma).
Main Indicating Features
- Bone spurs or exostosis in jaw, head, fingers or leg bones
- Periosteum or inflammation of the bone
- Bone tumors due to injury
- Osgood – Schlatter disease
4. Limbs (Pain, Exostosis, Joints Problems)
It also acts on limbs and can be suitable for pain in lower limbs when it is continuous in nature. It is useful for exostosis when its location is on the tibia bone. Here it provides an excellent curing ratio when it is associated with intense pain that is constant. The action on the joints is very prominent when it comes to dealing with node formation mainly when it occurs on finger or toe joints. It is also helpful in deformed joints resulting from arthritis (inflammation of the joints). It can prevent the further progression of deformity of joint but the deformity is irreversible which is already done.
Main Indicating Features
- Joint deformities
- Pain in lower limbs that is continuous
- Exostosis of tibia bone
- Nodes on joints especially on toe or finger joints
5. Breast Problems (Breast Tumors, Diminished Milk Production)
This medicine also works well for different breast complaints. It is useful in cases of tumors or nodes in the breast. It can also be prescribed for deficient milk production in a nursing woman.
Main Indicating Features
- Breast tumors or nodes
- To increase milk production in nursing females
Worsening factors: Symptoms become worse from pressure, touch, rest and on the left side.
In general, the medicine is prescribed in low potencies. The potency and dosage can be different for every case.
Relationship With Other Remedies
Hecla Lava can be compared with medicines including Silica, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Calcare Fluor, Ruta, Sulphur and Symphytum.

I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.