Homeopathic Medicine for Hyperthyroidism – Remedies and Treatment
In this post of Homeo Expert, we shall share with you best Homeopathic Medicine for Hyperthyroidism or homeopathic remedies for hyperthyroidism.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Hyperthyroidism – Homeopathic Treatment for Hyperthyroidism
What is Hyperthyroidism?
In Hyperthyroidism, our thyroid gland produces an excessive amount of thyroxine hormone and we can also call it overactive thyroid. It has the ability to control the metabolism of your body and it also affects the muscles of the heart, cholesterol and bones of the human body.
Causes of Hyperthyroidism
- Grave’s Disease
It is an autoimmune disease in which our immune system produces antibodies which attack our own tissues and thyroid gland. As a result the secretion of
- Goiter
- Thyroiditis (swelling of thyroid gland)
Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
- Sudden weight loss
- Rapid heartbeat
- Increased appetite
- Anxiety and nervousness
- Tremor
- Sensitivity to heat
- Goiter
- Fatigue and muscle weakness
- Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
- Difficulty in breathing
- Increased bowel movements
- Amenorrhea
- Irritability
- Excessive sweating
Homeopathy for Hyperthyroidism
Homeopathic medicines for hyperthyroidism are a natural mode of treatment which can treat it without any side-effects if advised by a competent doctor. Homeopathic remedies for hyperthyroidism can eliminate the root cause of this problem and give permanent cure.
Also, read our related article
Thyroidinum: Best Homeopathic Medicine for Hyperthyroidism
Thyroidinum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hyperthyroidism. Additionally, it can be used in all kinds of thyroid disorders and it is made of thyroid gland of sheep. Do not take it without the advice of a doctor, otherwise, you will be under the cloud.
Iodium: Best Homeopathic Medicine for Hyperthyroidism with quick weight loss
Iodium is one of the top natural homeopathic remedies for hyperthyroidism. It is an essential medicine for those patients of hyperthyroidism who lose their weight quickly although they have a sound appetite. The patient of this medicine wants to eat after a short period and feels better when eats. In addition, the patient also feels excessive heat in the body and wants to stay in a cool environment. The patient pays attention to the present issues and does not anxious about future. Iodium is a suitable homeopathic medicine for hyperthyroid patients who suffer from excessive palpitations and it becomes worse from a slight physical or mental effort. The symptom of weakness is also present and the patient can feel it on going upstairs.
Natrum Muriaticum: Homeopathic Treatment for Hyperthyroidism with irritability
Natrum Mur is a useful homeopathic remedy for treating hyperthyroidism and it is suitable for those patients who get irritated easily and get upset over little things. The patient of Natrum Mur remains depressed and also cries when alone. When someone tries to comfort him it gives rise to the symptoms. The patient of this medicine cannot bear with the heat of the sun and experiences headache when comes across the sun. in addition, the symptom of an unusual desire for excessive salt is also present in Natrum Mur. Hyperthyroid patients who require Natrum Mur keeps on losing weight despite eating regular as well as proper meals. The neck region looks very weak and the patient himself feels weak in the morning in bed. Natrum Mur is a natural homeopathic medicine that regularises the menstrual cycle of women who suffer from hyperthyroidism.
Lachesis Mutus: Homeopathic Remedy for Hyperthyroidism with extreme heat
Lachesis is the best homeopathic medicine for patients of hyperthyroidism who experiences extreme heat in the body. The patient of Lachesis does not want to wear tight clothes and he keeps his belt around the waist and collars around the neck loose. In mental symptoms of Lachesis, the patient feels sad and does not want to do any kind of work. The patient wants to go somewhere alone and does not want to mix up with someone. Excessive talkativeness is a leading symptom of homeopathic remedy Lachesis. In addition, it is also an excellent remedy for women of menopause age who suffer from overactive thyroid. Women complain of palpitations and excessive hot flushes and the duration of menses is short and menstrual flow is also very less. The condition of the patient becomes worse during sleep and it is a leading symptom of Lachesis.
Phosphorus: Homeopathic Cure for Hyperthyroidism with extreme sensitivity, hair fall, feeling hungry after eating
Phosphorus is the best homeopathic medicine for hyperthyroidism and it is useful for tall and thin patients. The patients of this medicine are sensitive to touch, odour and light. If the patient is suffering from longstanding diarrhea in hyperthyroidism, Phosphorus is natural homeopathic medicine for such cases. The patient feels weakness after offensive and profuse stool. In such patients, the hunger increases and the patient also feels appetite instantly after eating. It is also a useful remedy for the phase of hair fall in hyperthyroid patients and the patient complains of falling of hair in bunches.
Certain eating habits indicate us the usage of Phosphorus in hyperthyroidism patients including the desire for meat, cold drinks and ice creams.
Conium Maculatum: Homeopathic Treatment for Hyperthyroidism with depression
Conium is a natural homeopathic medicine for hyperthyroidism who suffer depression and do not want to take interest in the task. In addition, the patient gets irritated easily and the symptom of the weakness of memory is also present. It is also a useful homeopathic medicine for trembling in hands along with sweat on hands. Conium is a homeopathic treatment for menstrual problems that occur due to hyperthyroidism. The menstrual cycle appears late and the duration is also short and they are scanty in nature.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Hyperthyroidism with weight loss
If the patient is facing the problem of weight loss due to hyperthyroidism, homeopathic remedies Natrum Mur, Lycopodium and Iodum are natural remedies for treating such patients. In Iodum patients, the person has an increased appetite and he wants something to eat at every hour and still keep on losing weight. It occurs due to the increased metabolic rate because of excessive thyroid hormones which are circulating in the blood. Natrum Mur is a suitable medicine for anemic patients who look weak. In Natrum Mur, the patient loses flesh even if they are having a proper diet. The weakness can be seen in the neck region and the patient craves for extra salt in the diet. Emaciation is also seen in the patients of Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium but most of it available in the upper part of the body if we compare it to the lower part.
Homeopathic Remedies for heat intolerance in patients of Hyperthyroidism
If you are looking for a prescription for heat intolerance in hyperthyroidism, you should consult a competent homeopathic doctor in this regard. The medicine will be used after collecting the symptoms of the patient. Homeopathic medicines for heat intolerance in overactive thyroid patients can be cured by using Sulphur and Pulsatilla. Sulphur is the best homeopathic treatment for heat intolerance in hyperthyroid patients. In Sulphur, the patient feels excessive heat at the top of the head and soles of feet.
So the patients want to put their feet out of the blanket because they feel intense heat in their feet at night when sleep. The patient also desires for excessive sweet. Pulsatilla is another homeopathic remedy for hyperthyroidism patients who cannot bear with excessive heat and need cool open air to get relief. The absence of thirst for water indicates the usage of Pulsatilla. In mental symptoms, the patient weeps frequently at the slightest instance and talkative.
Homeopathic Remedies for menstrual troubles in women with Hyperthyroidism
Pulsatilla is one of the top natural homeopathic remedies for hyperthyroidism where women experience irregular menses. In Pulsatilla, the menstrual cycle remains suppressed for a long period and if menses are present they are scanty in nature and painful. The patient feels pain in the uterus and she can cry out due to this severe pain. Women of Pulsatilla desire for fatty food and there is an absence of thirst for water. Sepia Officinalis is another excellent homeopathic remedy for hyperthyroidism where women face menstrual problems. Menstrual cycle occurs for a very short period along with slight bleeding. In addition, she also feels pain in the uterus and there is a feeling that pelvic organs will come out.
Homeopathic Treatment for diarrhea in patients of Hyperthyroidism
In order to treat hyperthyroid patients with diarrhea, homeopathic remedies Aloe Socotrina, Phosphorus and Sulphur are beneficial. Phosphorus is a helpful medicine when the stool is excessive and offensive in nature with intense weakness. The patients of Phosphorus crave for ice creams and cold drinks. Aloe Socotrina is the best homeopathic remedy for diarrhea in hyperthyroid where the patient has to rush to the toilet in order to pass the stool immediately after eating or drinking anything. In Sulphur, the condition becomes worse in the morning.
Homeopathic Treatment for treating palpitations and increase in heart rate in Hyperthyroid patients
In order to deal with Tachycardia and palpitations or increase heart rate in hyperthyroid patients, Lycopus and Iodum are beneficial. When the rapid heart beat and palpitation occur due to nervous irritation, Lycopus Virginicus is the best medicine for such cases. Iodum is another homeopathic remedy to control palpitations when it occurs with a slight exertion.
Natural Homeopathic medicines for Goitre
The enlargement of thyroid gland is also known as Goitre. Homeopathy is replete with natural remedies to treat Goitre. Calcarea Iod, Fucus Ves, Lycopodium, Spongia Tosta and Lachesis are the best homeopathic remedies for Goitre patients. Lachesis is a useful remedy for those patients who have Goitre on the left-side. The patient of Lachesis can easily swallow solid food but unable to swallow liquids easily along with hot feelings. Lycopodium is the best homeopathic medicine for swelling of thyroid gland on the right side. Spongia Tosta is an excellent remedy for enlarged thyroid gland and the patient also feels suffocation at night. Calcarea Iod is a helpful medicine for thyroid enlargements that occur during puberty. Fucus Ves is another homeopathic medicine for hyperthyroidism or Goitre in obese or overweight people.
Natural Homeopathic medicines for Grave’s Disease
After a proper case study of the patient, we can decide the best homeopathic medicine for Grave’s disease. In addition, after having a bird’s eye view of the symptoms a competent homeopathic doctor will prescribe a natural homeopathic remedy to cure Grave’s disease. When the patient has symptoms of violent heart palpitations after a slight exertion and also feels excessively hot, Iodium is the best homeopathic remedy for it. There is an increased hunger available in the patient and he wants to eat at short intervals but still, he loses weight. Lycopus Virginicus is another homeopathic medicine for Grave’s disease and the patient suffers from nervous irritation with an oppressed feeling in the chest on the left side. In addition, the heart rate of the patient also increases due to increased thyroid hormones in the blood circulation.
What not to eat when you have hyperthyroidism?
You need to avoid the food allergens including milk, cheese and ice cream, soy, corn, wheat and other chemical food. In addition, the doctor may need to check your food allergies. So you need to eat foods which are high in B-vitamins and iron including fresh vegetables and sea vegetables and whole grains if you are not allergic.
What is the Best way to treat hyperthyroidism?
Homeopathic medicines are the best way to treat hyperthyroidism. You should consult a competent homeopathic doctor to treat hyperthyroidism.
Is it OK to Exercise with Hyperthyroidism?
If you will exercise with either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can be dangerous to your health because it can increase or decrease your metabolism ability. In addition, it can also slow down or speed up your hearbeat.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.