Homeopathic Medicine for Hypothyroidism – Remedies and Treatment
In this post of Homeo Expert, we shall discuss the best homeopathic medicine for Hypothyroidism or homeopathic remedies for Hypothyroidism.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Hypothyroidism – Homeopathic Treatment for Hypothyroidism
What is Hypothyroidism?
It is a condition in which the thyroid gland of a person does not produce enough thyroid hormones and we can also call it underactive thyroid. This condition does not show symptoms in the early stages but after a while it can become a cause of several health problems including join pain, obesity,infertility and heart disease.
Causes of Hypothyroidism
There are several causes of this condition such as autoimmune disease, radiation therapy, thyroid surgery, treatment for hyperthyroidism and certain medications.
Thyroid glands produce hormones known as triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) which have enough impact on your health as well as metabolism. In addition, they have the ability to maintain the usage of fat and carbohydrates in your body, it also controls your body temperature.
- Autoimmune disease
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common cause of Hypothyroidism and autoimmune occurs in the body when the body generates antibodies to attack his own tissues.
- Treatment for Hyperthyroidism
There are several patients who suffer from hyperthyroidism and get treatment. As a result of this treatment, they get hypothyroidism.
- Thyroid Surgery
In Thyroid surgery, the surgeon will remove all the large portion and it can stop the hormone production.
- Radiation Therapy
It is another cause of hypothyroidism, usually, cancer patients have radiation therapy of head and neck which can stop thyroid production.
- Medications
There are several types of medications which can give rise to the condition of hypothyroidism.
Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
- Fatigue
- Increased sensitivity to cold
- Constipation
- Dry skin
- Weight gain
- Hoarseness
- Muscle weakness
- Elevated blood cholesterol level
- Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
- Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
- Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
- Thinning hair
- Slowed heart rate
- Depression
- Impaired memory
Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism in Children and Teenagers
- Poor growth follows by short stature
- Delayed development of permanent teeth
- Poor mental development
Risk Factors or Who can Develop Hypothyroidism
- Women older than 60
- Autoimmune disease
- Family history of thyroid disease
- Use of radioactive iodine or anti-thyroid medications
- Get radiation to neck and head
- Had thyroid surgery
- Pregnancy
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Top Homeopathic Remedies for Hypothyroidism
Calcarea Carb, Thyroidinum, Sepia, Lycopodium, Graphites and Nux Vomica are the leading homeopathic medicines for hypothyroidism.
Thyroidinum: Best Homeopathic Medicine for Hypothyroidism
Thyroidinum is the top Homeopathic medicine for Hypothyroidism. It is a sarcode which is made of thyroid’s gland of sheep and the potency can be decided after the detailed case history of the patient. This medicine is helpful in almost all the cases of thyroid disorders.
Calcarea Carb: Top Homeopathic Remedy for Hypothyroidism
Calcarea carb is the best homeopathic remedy for the cases of hypothyroidism where the patients are obese. The patients of Calcarea Carb cannot bear with cold air and the complexion of the patient is fair. Excessive sweating on the head is one of the major symptoms of this medicine in hypothyroid patients. There are several eating habits including desire for boiled eggs and the patient also wants to eat indigestible things such as pencils, lime, chalk give us the indication to use this medicine in hypothyroidism.
Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is also a helpful medicine to relieve constipation that occurs during hypothyroidism. The first part of the stool is hard and it is accompanied by the soft stool. It is also an efficient homeopathic remedy for women who experience profuse menses that occurs for long durations and comes before the expected date. The patient also feels coldness in feet during the menses period.
Sepia Officinalis: Another Significant Homeopathic Treatment for Hypothyroid Patients
Sepia is another important homeopathic remedy for hypothyroid patients. The patients of this medicine are very weak and possess a pale yellow face and can faint on exposure to excessive cold temperature. In Sepia, the patients feel coldness and their body lacks vital heat and they even feel chilly in a warm room. In addition, this homeopathic medicine is helpful in treating the menstrual periods problems in the patient of hypothyroidism and menstrual cycle occurs early and it is profuse in nature. The patient also feels sensations in the pelvis region and feels that pelvic organs will come out through the vulva. In order to prevent it, the patient sits with cross legs.
Sepia Officinalis is also an excellent homeopathic remedy for hypothyroidism when it also causes excessive hair fall especially in women of menopausal age. The next area where this medicine is useful is the treatment of constipation in hypothyroid patients. In Sepia, the patient passes the stool which is hard and difficult to pass and it gets passed in small balls with excessive pain. The patient experiences this pain during the passing of stool and it also remains active for a long time after the stool. In mental symptoms, the patient of hypothyroidism is irritable and shows indifferent behavior towards his family members who were loved by him. The symptoms of desire for acidic things and pickles can also be seen in such cases.
Lycopodium Clavatum: Homeopathic Cure for Hypothyroidism
Lycopodium is a useful homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism patients who experience gastric troubles. The patient of this medicine has excessive flatulence in the abdomen along with acidity and it becomes worse after taking food that contains starch. The symptoms become worse during the time of 4 pm to 8 pm. In addition, there is a symptom of constipation along with hard, difficult and incomplete poop or stool. The patient desires for hot food and drinks and it may show desire for sweets. The patient of Lycopodium is very weak and his face is yellowish and may have blue circles around the eyes. If a patient also comes across the complaint of hair falling, Lycopodium can tackle this situation. The patients of Lycopodium are irritable in nature and they are also short temper because they do not tolerate a little contradiction.
Graphites: Homeopathic Remedy for Hypothyroidism
Graphites is a suitable remedy for hypothyroidism when the patients are obese and get cold easily. It is also suitable for long standing constipation when the stool is hard and the patient passes it with great effort. The patient of this medicine experiences fullness in the abdomen due to the obstruction of gas and he wants to loosen his clothes to get relief. In addition, the patient remains depressed, sad and cries easily on listening to music. The patient may also lack confidence and he may not have the ability to make decisions.
Nux Vomica: Homeopathic Medicine for Hypothyroidism
Nux Vomica is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hypothyroidism when the patient is short tempered and gets angry easily. Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is also suitable for obstinate constipation in hypothyroid patients. The stool of the patient is unsatisfactory and scanty in nature and he constantly wants to pass the stool but with a little evacuation. There is a bloated feeling in the stomach after eating. Additionally, the desire for fatty and spicy food is also present. It is also helpful for women who suffer from hypothyroidism and experiences prolonged menses and the color of the blood is blackish and follows by fainting spells.
Homeopathic Remedies for Hypothyroidism in Weight Gain
Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb for weight loss works wonder when it occurs due to hypothyroidism. The patients of Calcarea Carb cannot bear with cold air and the complexion of the patient is fair. Excessive sweating on the head is another eminent symptom of Calcarea Carb that gives us an indication to use this medicine. Graphites is another homeopathic remedy for hypothyroid patients and it helps to control the weight gain in obese patients and they also suffer from obstinate constipation. In Lycopodium Clavatum, the thighs and buttocks of the patient are overweight and it is a natural homeopathi remedy to treat weight gain in hypothyroidism. The patient of this medicine wants to have hot drinks and sweets.
Homeopathic Remedies for treating menstrual problems in women suffering from Hypothyroidism:
Sepia is an effective homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism when it results in menstrual problems. The menses are copious and appear very early. The patient of this medicine also feels sensation in the pelvic region along with excessive bleeding during menstrual cycle guide us to use this medicine. In Sepia, the patient is very chilly and can even faint if the patient is present in extreme cold environment. Calcarea Carb is a natural homeopathic treatment for heavy bleeding during menses when women also complain of cold feet during the flow. Usually, the patients of this medicine are also obese and they also feel sweat on the head at night during sleep. Excessive bleeding can lead to Anemia and weakness.
So also, read our article about
China is another natural homeopathic medicine for menstrual problems in women who are facing hypothyroidism. The menstrual flow consists of dark clots in this homeopathic medicine.
Homeopathic Medicines for cold intolerance in hypothyroid patients:
There are several Homeopathic remedies available in homeopathy to deal with cold sensitivity in hypothyroid patients including Silicea, Calcarea Carb and Psorinum. These all homeopathic remedies have the ability to decrease the sensitivity towards the cold but the selection of medicine is possible after case taking of the patient. In Psorinum, the patient feels chilly even in hot weather and he wants to get coverings to fight the extreme coldness. There is a chance that the patient of Psorinum may have the history of skin complaints during his lifetime. Homeopathic medicine Silicea is useful for stubborn sort of people who are sensitive to cold and they also have offensive sweat on the feet. Calcarea Carb shows the symptoms of sweating on the scalp and he is obese and wants to have boiled eggs with chilliness.
Homeopathic Remedies Alumina, Nux Vomica and Bryonia Alba for treating constipation in a person suffering from Hypothyroidism:
In hypothyroid patients, Alumina is an effective homeopathic medicine which gives positive results in constipation. The patient of Alumina does not want to pass stool for several days. In addition, he does not have desire for stool until there is a large accumulation occur in the intestines. The patient needs extreme effort to pass the stool due to the sluggish action of the rectum and the stool is soft and clay like in nature. Nux Vomica is another homeopathic medicine for treating constipation in patients of hypothyroidism where there is a constant urge to pass stool but he passes insufficient amount. So it is unsatisfactory for the patient. The patient feels pain in the abdomen before he passes the stool. Use of spices and coffee make the condition worse for the patient.
Bryonia Alba gives relief to the patients who pass excessive dry and hard stool. The patient of Bryonia wants to have a thirst for large quantity of water.
Homeopathic Medicines for treating hair fall in patients of Hypothyroidism:
Natrum Mur is a useful homeopathic remedy for hair fall which is a result of hypothyroidism. The patient of this medicine cannot tolerate the heat of the sun and also desire for salty things. The patient of Natrum Mur is of reserved nature and he may show weeping tendencies when he is alone. Lycopodium is another homeopathic medicine to treat hair fall in patients of hypothyroidism and they desire for hot drinks and sweets. Extreme flatulence and gastric problems also accompany hair fall in such cases.
Homeopathic Medicines for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis:
Calcarea Carb, Sepia, Thyroidinum, and Graphites are the best homeopathic treatment for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The selection of homeopathic remedies depend on the detailed case taking and Thuja is also a suitable homeopathic remedy if hypothyroidism is inherited from the parents.
Note: Do not self medicate.
Can Hypothyroidism be Cured Naturally?
Homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism is a natural mode of treatment to cure hypothyroidism. It is due to the fact that they are made of natural substances so the answer to this question is hypothyroidism can be cured naturally.
What not to eat when you have hypothyroidism? Or what to eat when you have hypothyroidism?
- Eat Sea vegetables including cucumber it is good for hypothyroidism
- Up the protein
- Go 100% gluten free
- Say no to protein soy isolate
- Brazil nuts because they are full of selenium which can help to convert thyroxine to its actual form
Can hypothyroidism be cured completely?
Yes, hypothyroidism can be cured completely using homeopathic remedies for hypothyroidism.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
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