Homeopathic Medicine for Myopia – Treatment for Myopia in Homeopathy
In this post, I shall discuss the best homeopathic medicine for myopia or nearsightedness or top homeopathic remedies for nearsightedness.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Myopia – Treatment of Myopia in Homeopathy
What is Myopia?
Myopia or nearsightedness is a common vision condition in which the patient can see objects near him clearly but things farther seem blurry. Myopia is also known as shortsightedness. It can develop gradually or rapidly and it is most common among the children and during the stage of adolescence. It also runs in families. Myopia mainly develops when the light entering the eyes does not focus on the retina but focuses images in front of retina. The patient of myopia tends to close his eyes partially in order to see clearly.
Symptoms of Myopia
- Headaches caused by eyestrain
- Blink excessively
- Unware of distant objects
- Rub eyes frequently
- Need to sit closer to TV or computer
- Blurry vision while looking at distant objects
- Difficulty in watching while driving a vehicle especially at night which is aka night myopia
- Affects quality of life
- Eyestrain
- Impaired safety
- Financial burden (cost of lenses, medical treatments)
- Retinal detachment
- Glaucoma
- Cataracts
Homeopathic Treatment for Myopia
Homeopathy is a wonderful mode of treatment which produces remedies from natural substances. These medicines are safe and devoid of side-effects. In addition, they work at the root level to heal the condition and restore the good health. Homeopathic treatment for progressive Myopia stops the further progression of the condition. These remedies are equally suitable for persons of all age groups.
Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Myopia
Best natural homeopathic medicines for Myopia are Ruta, Pysostigma, Oleum Animale, Viola Odorata and Phosphorus.
Ruta – Best Homeopathic Remedy for Myopia with Severe Headache
Ruta is one of the most reliable homeopathic remedies for Myopia along with severe headache. The patient complains of pain while reading, sewing and other near-sighted tasks. Blurred vision and weakness of the ciliary muscles are the signs to prescribe the homeopathic medicine Ruta. In addition, it is also very useful for eyestrain which is a result of overuse of eyes.
Pysostigma – Top Rated Homeopathic Medicine for Myopia
Pysostigma is another recommended homeopathic remedy for Myopia. It is ideal for nearsightedness when it is progressing rapidly associated with pain in the orbits. The person suffers from photophobia with blurred vision. Dim vision, irritability of the eyes and spasm of the ciliary muscles are cured with homeopathic medicine Pysostigma.
Phosphorus – Homeopathic Treatment for Myopia
Phosphorus is another highly prescribed homeopathic medicine for Myopia. Fatigue of the head and eyes even when the eyes are not being overused is the marked symptom of this medicine. It is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Myopia with weak eyesight and an aversion to light is also present. The symptom of having sand in the eyes that gets better by rubbing may also be observed. Profuse lachrymation with frequent itching in the eyes is also present. Nearsightedness along with atrophy of optic nerve is cured with this homeopathic medicine too.
Viola Odorata – Best Homeopathic Medicine for Nearsightedness with Pain in Eyes
Viola Odorata is a useful homeopathic treatment for nearsightedness where it is associated with severe pain in the eyes. In these cases, the person experiences severe pain in the eyes that radiates to the top of the head (vertex). Flames before the eyes, heaviness of the eyelids and nearsightedness are rest of the symptoms to use homeopathic medicine Viola Odorata. It is an ideal medicine to treat Myopia.
Oleum Animale – One of the Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Nearsightedness
Oleum Animale is one of the effective homeopathic medicines for Myopia when the symptom of blurred vision with smarting in the eyes is present. The patient often sees glistening bodies before his eyes and experiences the dim vision. Nearsightedness associated with twitching of the eyelids can also be treated with homeopathic medicine Oleum Animale.
Read more:
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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