Homeopathic Medicine for Trigger Finger – Treatment in Homeopathy
In this article of Homeo Expert, we shall discuss the Homeopathic medicine for Trigger Finger.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Trigger Finger
First of all, we need to have a bird’s eye view of Trigger Finger.
What is Trigger Finger?
It also has a synonym or it is medically known as stenosing tenosynovitis which is a disease of the tendons of the hand. It is a painful condition in which the finger or thumb of a person get locked or stuck while bending. In this condition, the affected person finds it difficult to straight his affected finger and a clicking sound occurs on straightening the finger. Trigger Finger can occur on one finger and at times, it appears in many fingers. Additionally, this condition can occur in both hands as well. Trigger fingers give rise to frustration and the patient becomes anxious because it disturbs the daily work or routine. This condition affects the efficiency of a person badly, mainly when he performs the tasks which are related to the hands. Do not worry Homeopathic treatment for Trigger Finger is very effective.
Homeopathic remedies reduce the symptoms of a patient including stiffness, pain and frequency of episodes. It leads to the complete recovery of Trigger Finger. Every case needs a detailed case taking and we need to identify the main cause and characteristic symptoms to treat Trigger Finger. These symptoms are essential for the selection of best homeopathic medicine for Trigger Finger. Homeopathic treatment is a natural treatment for trigger finger which is safe and devoid of side effects.
Causes of Trigger Finger
There are different causes of trigger finger including inflammation, irritation and thickening of tendons of fingers and thumbs. Tendons are strong tissue bands or fibrous cords which link muscle to the bone. In addition, there is a covering on tendons which we call sheaths. Trigger Finger appears when this protective sheath gets inflammation and irritation. The space between the tendons and sheaths become small or narrow because of the inflammation and thickening. This narrowness gives rise to pain and stops the movement of fingers.
Who gets Trigger Finger or Risk Factors for Trigger Finger
If a person overuses his hands with repetitive and frequent movements of fingers and hands, it puts a person at risk of getting this condition. When someone uses his hand for gripping for a prolonged period likely get trigger finger. Farmers, musicians, industrial workers and laborers are prone to trigger finger. In addition, medical conditions are also responsible for trigger finger including Diabetes Mellitus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gout. Smokers can also get it because they repeatedly use lighter. It is more common in females than males and it also affects the people who are 40-60 years old.
Excessive typing jobs can also lead to trigger finger.
Symptoms of Trigger Finger
In the beginning, the patient will complain of mild stiffness or tenderness at the base of fingers as well as thumbs. This stiffness becomes prominent in the morning or when the person involves the movement. At times, the patients get relief by continuous movement of the fingers but it occurs in some cases. Painful clicking is one of the most common symptoms of trigger finger which occurs on straightening or bending the finger. When the disease develops, affected fingers get locked while bending and the patient finds it difficult to straighten them. In worst conditions, the patient has to release the lock with the help of the other hand.
How to Diagnose Trigger Finger
The doctor can easily diagnose trigger finger with the help of physical examination of fingers and hands. In some cases, the finger of the patient swells. The doctor will also touch the palm in order to see the lump. Additionally, he will ask you to open and close your hand to check the areas of pain and evidence of locking. There are no X-rays or tests are available to identify trigger finger
Homeopathic Medicine for Trigger Finger
There are several homeopathic remedies for trigger finger including Arnica Montana, Ruta Graveolans, Rhus Tox, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Causticum and Sulphur etc. Arnica Montana is a best homeopathic medicine for trigger finger with overuse or overexertion of the hands. The patient may feel soreness and pain and he does not want to be touched. The pain can become worse by touching, therefore, he avoids it.
Ruta is another homeopathic medicine for trigger finger when it occurs due to the overuse of tendons. It gives rise to the symptoms in the cold. The symptoms of stiffness and soreness may occur. Rhus Tox is helpful in those cases where the stiffness of the fingers occurs during the first movements in the morning. The patient of this medicine gets relief when he moves his fingers and hands continuously. The symptoms may get worse by resting the hand. Causticum is another homeopathic remedy for trigger finger which is accompanied by the symptoms of pain and stiffness along with the difficulty of straightening of fingers.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
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For the treatment of trigger finger what potency of rhus tox and what frequency of repetition are recommended.
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My right hand little finger get locked and stiffed in the morning and very much pain