Homeopathic Remedies for Paronychia
What is Paronychia?
Paronychia is a skin infection that develops around the nails where the nail and skin meet. It is the infection of the skin that affects the skin around your fingernails and toenails. It develops from a fungal or bacterial infection. The infection can occur suddenly and can last for two to three days that is known as acute paronychia. When it develops slowly and lasts for weeks that is known as chronic paronychia.
Homeopathic remedies for paronychia relieve the symptoms such as reduce the swelling, redness and pain and they are also beneficial where pus-filled eruptions have developed.
What are the Causes of Paronychia?
The main cause of this condition is the infection of the skin around the nail. The infection results from bacteria or candida yeast, at times, the infection is a combination of these two agents. Mostly acute paronychia is a result of bacteria whereas chronic paronychia is a result of yeast infection. The bacteria that cause it mainly are streptococcus pyogenes and staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria try to enter the area around the nail when there is damage to the skin in this area regardless of the cause. It can get damaged due to injury or trauma, nail-biting, picking, chewing the nails, and splinter. Furthermore, skin damage can also occur when it gets damaged accidentally while using the tools for manicures.
What are the Risk Factors for Paronychia?
- Cutting the nails very short can also lead to the infection.
- Ingrown nails or hangnails can also predispose towards the infection. Hangnails are a tiny skin which is torn and hanging around your nail and it can be your toenail as well as fingernail that are at risk of the infection. Ingrown nails are another painful disease of nail in which your nail grows into the skin and mostly it happens with your toenail.
- Excessive exposure of hands to moisture can also cause this infection, if you are working in water for long hours or your occupation requires repeated hand washing.
- Frequent contact of hands or feet with chemicals, it will destroy the skin around your fingernails or toenail called cuticle.
- People with diabetes
- Suppressed immune systems
All these conditions favor the environment for bacteria and yeast to cause the infection with ease and multiply it.
What are the Symptoms of Paronychia?
- There is a redness of the skin around the nail is present
- Tenderness, heat, swelling, and pain of the skin around the nail
- The area can also be itchy in these cases
- Pus filled blisters can also occur
- The nail gets deformed or damaged, harden, thicken with the change in its color and shape
- The texture of the nail can also change
- In severe cases, the detachment of nail can also occur from the nail bed either partially or completely
Homeopathic Medicines for Paronychia
Homeopathic remedies are very beneficial in treating cases of paronychia. These remedies have the ability to boost the self-healing mechanism of your body to fight infections and helping the body to eradicate it from the body. This mode of treatment offers natural recovery.
Furthermore, this mode of treatment is also useful when the nail is damaged, discolored, deformed and grown out of shape. Homeopathy offers a complete cure in both acute and chronic cases of paronychia in a safe manner. First of all their focus is to resolve the acute infection and then strengthen the immune system of the patient to get over the tendency to get a repeated infection.
Apis Mellifica – For Marked Redness, Swelling and Pain
Homeopathic medicine Apis is highly effective in cases where the pain is intense and present around the nail. Swelling and redness is also present around the nail. The nature of the pain can be stinging, burning or throbbing in such cases. The nail is also very tender and sensitive to touch. At times, the pain may radiate from the finger upwards to the arm.
Silicea – For Pus Filled Eruptions & Yellow, Damaged Nails
Homeopathic medicine Silicea is very beneficial in cases where pus-filled eruptions occur and nails are yellow and damaged. There may be a watery pus discharge from eruptions or brownish pus may come out in cases where this medicine is needed. The smell of the pus is bad. Additionally, there may be lancinating pains in the eruptions too. The nails are yellow and brittle with the previous features. The nails are also crippled and rough. Ingrown nails and hangnails can occur too.
Hepar Sulph – For Pus Formation around Nail
This homeopathic remedy acts well in cases where pus forms around the nail. Beating or throbbing pain is also felt with pus in such cases. The affected area of the skin is hot, swollen and inflamed. The discharge of the pus is offensive and can also be blood-stained too.
Myristica – For Speed Up the Pus Formation to Ensure Recovery
This remedy is produced from the plant known as Myristica Sebifera. It belongs to the family of myristicaceae. It is one of the top-rated remedies to treat cases where pus has formed around the nails. This medicine ensures speedy recovery and gets rid of the infection in a short period. The collection of pus is present around the nails and calls for this medicine. There is swelling and pain too. Pain in fingernails is also present.
Acidum Nitricum – For Splinter-like Sensation around Nail
Nitric Acid is prescribed in cases when there is a splinter-like sensation around the nail is present. At times, there is a sensation of glass is experienced in the area around the nail. Furthermore, the nails are yellow and discolored. Apart from a discolored feature, they can be crumbling too. This medicine is also indicated in cases when ingrown toenails are present.
Antim Crudum – For Discolored and Deformed Nails
Antimonium Crudum is recommended for cases when the nails are deformed and discolored. Additionally, the nails grow out of shape and pain under the nails can also be experienced by the patient.
Natrum Mur – For Paronychia from Hangnails
Natrum Chloratum is another homeopathic medicine for paronychia when it develops from hangnails. The skin around the nails is cracked, dry and torn. In cases where this medicine is recommended blisters with watery fluid can also be developed.
Ledum Pal – For Paronychia from Splinters or External Injury
Ledum Pal is produced from the plant known as Ledum Palustre and the common name is marsh cistus and rosemary. It belongs to the family of ericaceae. It is recommended when paronychia develops from splinters or it is attended with an external injury around the nail or a puncture wound from a prick of a needle. This medicine is also helpful in the beginning stages after injury. The patient of this medicine gets relief from cold applications around the nail.
Dioscorea – For Early Stage Paronychia with Pain
Dioscorea is produced from the fresh roots of a plant known as Dioscorea Villosa also known as Wild yam. It belongs to the family of dioscoreaceae. It is indicated in the early stages of pain. The pain is pricking and sharp in nature. Apart from the previous features, the nails can be brittle.
Natrum Sulph – For Water Filled Blisters near the Nail
This is one of the best natural remedies for paronychia that is indicated when a blister filled with water develops on the skin near the nail. It is very painful and red in color. Swelling around it is quite noticeable. With the previous symptoms, there may be a pus formation around the root of the nail.
Sulphur – For Stitching and Throbbing Pain near the Nail
Sulphur is another helpful medicine to deal with stitching and throbbing pain in the skin area around the nail. The throbbing gets worse at night. Swelling is also present on the affected skin. In some cases of Sulphur, there is the formation of pus around the nail is also noted. This remedy also works well in cases where the pus gets under the nail and the nail comes out. The new nail develops is out of shape and it is thick and yellow in color. The nail is also sensitive to touch due to pain.
Lachesis – For Bluish Swelling around the Nail
Lachesis is another suitable medicine to deal with bluish swelling around the nail. Intense stinging pains are also noted with the bluish swelling. With the previous features, tingling and pricking pains are also present.
Bufo Rana – For Black Blue Swelling around Nail
This homeopathic medicine is recommended when there is black blue swelling around the nail is present, especially the thumb. The pain radiates up the arm where this medicine is needed. Pus formation also develops around the nails when it is indicated.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.