11 Homeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess
What is Tooth Abscess?
An abscessed tooth is a collection of pus that can develop in different parts of the tooth because of a bacterial infection, it is also known as a dental abscess.
Homeopathic remedies for tooth abscess help in symptomatic relief during the recovery phase and it also helps in draining of pocket of pus.
What are the Types of Tooth Abscess?
There are three types of dental abscess as per their location in different regions of the tooth.
- Periapical Abscess: This type of abscess develops at the tip of the root of the tooth.
- Periodontal Abscess: This type of abscess forms on the gums next to the root of the tooth. It may spread to the surrounding tissue and bone.
- Gingival Abscess: Gingival abscess develops on the gums.
What are the Causes of Tooth Abscess?
In a nutshell, it is a result of a bacterial infection that enters teeth and gums and result in dental abscess.
A periapical tooth abscess forms when bacteria enter the dental pulp (the inner part of the teeth made up of blood vessels, nerves and connective tissues). The bacteria can invade the dental cavity/ tooth decay, an injury, after dental work or crack in the tooth.
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Periodontal abscess forms due to gum disease (the inflammation of the tissues around the teeth or from an injury.
In addition, the last type, gingival abscess develops when a foreign body like a toothpick splinter, a bristle of toothbrush enter the gums.
What are the Symptoms of Tooth Abscess?
The main symptom of a dental abscess is throbbing pain in the gums and tooth. The onset of the pain is sudden and it gets worse over time.
The rest of the symptoms are:
- Throbbing pain can radiate to the jaw, ear or neck.
- Tooth pain while biting and chewing
- Pain becomes worse when you lie down
- Sensitivity to hot and cold temperature
- Redness and swelling in the face or cheek
- Bad breath
- Bad/foul taste in the mouth
- Swelling and redness of gums
- Discolored or loose teeth
- Fever
- Tender lymph nodes under jaws or neck
When the tooth abscess ruptures, it will result in immediate pain relief, when the pus drains out, it results in bad taste in the mouth.
What are the Risk Factors?
- Poor dental hygiene: People who do not maintain proper care of their gums and teeth.
- A diet in high sugar: Taking a diet in high sugar such as cold drinks and foods rich in sugar can increase the risk.
- Dry Mouth: Having a dry mouth can increase the risk of tooth decay and it also increases the risk of tooth abscess.
What are the Complications?
This dental condition will not go away on its own, it means without treatment.
It can result in life threatening problems, in these cases, infection can spread to your jaw, neck, head, brain and other areas.
You may develop sepsis, it spreads the infection throughout the body and makes it a life threatening issue.
If your immune system is weak, you should not leave this condition untreated, it will increase the spread of the infection.
Serious infection can result in high fever, double vision, severe headache, swelling of face, difficulty swallowing, confusion, rapid heart rate and difficulty in breathing.
Homeopathic Medicines for Tooth Abscess
Homeopathic mode of treatment is highly efficient in cases of dental abscess. These remedies help in draining of pus and speed up the process of recovery with symptomatic relief.
These remedies have the ability to boost the healing mechanism of your body to fight the bacterial infection and it results in natural recovery.
Homeopathic medicines for tooth abscess are made from natural substances and devoid of side effects. The use of homeopathic remedies is suggested when the symptoms are mild to moderate in intensity.
In severe cases, the patient may have severe symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, high fever, severe headache, double vision, swelling of face, confusion, rapid heart rate and difficulty in breathing.
Silicea for Tooth Abscess
Silicea is the best homeopathic medicine for abscess on gums or root of the teeth and it can also cure the suppurative conditions, it means where pus formation is present.
It is an ideal to treat the cases of abscess in many parts of the body including teeth. It is prescribed in cases of abscess on the gums or root of the teeth. The affected gum is inflamed as well as sore in nature. it causes pain with the slight pressure. The sensitivity to cold water and cold air is also present.
At times, there are tearing pains in the teeth that spread over the facial bones and the whole cheek. In addition, there is a stinging and throbbing pain in teeth. It prevents you from sleeping. The teeth may be decayed with pain that become worse at night, it may also be loose. The pus has a very offensive smell and the discharge is also thin.
This homeopathic remedy relieves the symptoms and hastens the process of maturation of abscess and reduce the pus formation.
Hepar Sulph for Tooth Abscess – Sharp, Throbbing Pain in Teeth
Hepar Sulph is another highly beneficial homeopathic remedy for tooth abscess cases. It is prescribed where there is a sharp and throbbing toothache. The pain becomes worse from eating.
The breath may be offensive in nature. The gums are swollen and painful to touch. This remedy speeds up the process of pus discharge and recovery phase and also provide the relief from symptoms.
Myristica – Homeopathic Medicine for Abscess
This homeopathic remedy is made from the plant Myristica Sebifera. It belongs to the family of myristicaceae. It is a prominent medicine to cure abscess formed in several parts of the body. It is very helpful medicine to hasten the recovery process in abscess cases and prevent the need for surgery.
Merc Sol – Homeopathy for Tooth Abscess with Pulsating Toothache
It is a very effective medicine to treat the pain in teeth that is pulsating in nature. The patient who needs this medicine complains of worsening of toothache mostly at night. There is marked swelling of gums is also present. A burning sensation in gums may be experienced. At times, the tearing, shooting pain in teeth that moves to the face and ears is also present.
This symptom may get relief from rubbing the cheek. There is excessive salivation in such patients along with the above features. The breath is also very offensive in nature where this medicine is prescribed. The teeth may be decayed and feel loose. This homeopathic medicine also works well for gum disease.
Hecla Lava – Best Homeopathic Treatment for Tooth Abscess
Hecla Lava has a marked action on jaws, teeth, jaw bone and it is one of the best homeopathic remedies for dental problems such as a dental abscess. The use of this medicine is suggested in cases of tooth abscess when it develops on the gums. It may be a result of decayed teeth. Toothache is also present in such cases. The teeth are very sensitive to pressure and it is associated with swelling on the jaws.
Pyrogenium – For Tooth Abscess with Offensive Breath
It is another homeopathic medicine for tooth abscess when it is associated with a horribly offensive smell from the mouth. The patient describes the smell as putrid. The mouth of the person is full of pus that is why he also complains about fetid taste.
Lycopodium – For Teeth that are Painful to Touch and Chewing
It is made from the plant Lycopodium Clavatum also known as club moss, it belongs to the family of lycopodiaceae. It is prescribed in cases of toothache and teeth are painful to chew and touch. The warm applications and warm drinks may provide relief to the person. The tooth may be decayed.
Phosphorus – Homeopathic Remedy for Abscess on Gums from Decayed Teeth
This remedy is an ideal choice for abscess forming on the gums from decayed teeth. The gums are inflamed with pain in the teeth. The person experiences a sticking, throbbing or pricking type of pain. In addition, the pain gets worse in the open air. It also becomes worse from chewing. Shooting or tearing pain may also present in the teeth along with some cases. This pain extends to the face and head.
Sulphur – Homeopathy for Gum Abscess with Oozing of Pus and Blood
This remedy is prescribed when there is an abscess of pus and blood in the gums present. The affected tooth is decayed and the person feels difficulty in opening the mouth. Tearing pain in the teeth is also felt. It is associated with the great sensitivity of teeth. At times, there is pulsating pain in teeth that becomes worse from heat. At times, there is stitching, drawing or boring pain in the teeth with the above features. The pain may extend to the ear too.
Baryta Carb – Homeopathic Medicine for Abscess at Root of Teeth
This homeopathic medicine is ideal for cases of tooth abscess that develops at the root of the teeth. In these cases, throbbing, jerking toothache is also present when it is needed. The pain may radiate to the ear or temple of the head. The teeth may be hollow and decayed in nature. In addition, the teeth may become painful when anything warm touches it. The gums may be swollen along with pale red and dark red margins. Other than the above symptoms, there is excessive saliva running out during sleep.
Causticum – Homeopathic Medicine for Recurrent Tooth Abscess on Gums
This homeopathic remedy for tooth abscess works well when there is a tendency to develop an abscess on the gums. People who require this medicine experience pain in teeth that gets worse from warmth as well as from cold. The pain may be shooting or throbbing in nature. The patient may feel that the teeth are loose. Dryness of the mouth is also present with the above features.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
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