Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Anosmia – Loss of Smell
What is Anosmia?
Anosmia is a condition in which a person loses the partial or complete sense of smell. This loss can be temporary or permanent. It may develop because of the swelling in the nose, or because of damage to the olfactory bulb/ olfactory receptors or brain.
The person who suffers from partial loss of smell can be categorized as hyposmia and with a total loss of smell, the condition is called anosmia. Whether it is temporary or permanent, it depends on the cause behind this condition. Homeopathic medicines for anosmia help to eradicate the root cause of loss of smell and result in recovery.
What is Smell?
Smell is one of the five senses a normal being has. The odor molecules in the air surrounding us enter our nostrils and they are detected by the olfactory receptors present in the back of the nasal cavity. These receptors send a signal to the brain via nerve, that is how the smell is recognized. This process leads to the process of identifying different types of odors and smells.
A person who suffers from anosmia is unable to perceive pleasant odors such as fragrances and also it deprives him of the detection of dangerous situations such as smoke or gas leakage.
The sense of smell also plays an important role in food tastes, the person who suffers from this condition may lead to a lack of interest in eating.
What are the Causes of Anosmia?
There are different causes of loss of smell, however, in approximately 20% of the cases, there is no cause behind it and this condition is called idiopathic anosmia.
Problems in the inner lining of your nose can lead to anosmia:
- Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)
- Common Cold
- Influenza (Flu)
- Chronic congestion or sneezing not related to allergies
- Acute Sinusitis
- Smoking
Obstruction of your nasal passages
It can also block the flow of air via nose:
- Tumors
- Nasal polyps
- Bone deformities inside the nose or nasal septum
Damage to the brain or nerves
Nerves that go to the area of brain that detects the smell or the brain itself can be damaged because of these conditions:
- Aging
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Brain surgery
- Brain tumor
- Diabetes
- Exposure to chemicals
- Huntington’s disease (a rare inherited disease that results in degeneration of nerve cells in the brain)
- Klinefelter Syndrome (a rare medical condition in which males have an additional X chromosome in the cells)
- Poor nutrition
- Multiple sclerosis
- Certain medications such as antibiotics, antihistamines, and high blood pressure medicines)
- Epilepsy
- Schizophrenia
- Radiation therapy
- Traumatic brain injury
- Sjogren’s syndrome
- Zinc deficiency
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Zinc containing nasal sprays
- Long term alcoholism (misuse of alcohol)
- Cocaine abuse
- Stroke
The studies also suggest that people can suffer from anosmia due to Covid-19 aka SARS-Cov-2. In rare cases, people are born with this condition, it is a genetic condition and it is known as congenital anosmia. Permanent loss of smell is usually the consequence of damage to the olfactory nerve of that person.
What are the Complications of Anosmia?
- People who lose sense of smell may also lose interest in food and eating.
- Malnutrition
- Weight loss
- Having trouble in detecting gas leakage and spoiled food
Homeopathic Treatment for Anosmia
Homeopathic mode of treatment has a natural and effective cure for loss of smell. These remedies are suitable for everyone regardless of age group. Homeopathic remedies are produced from natural substances, therefore, they treat and cure the condition in an effective manner. The best homeopathic medicines for anosmia are Kali Bichromicum, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Lemna Minor and Natrum Mur.
Homeopathic Medicines for Anosmia
Kali Bichromicum – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Anosmia with Sinusitis
Kali Bichromicum is a natural homeopathic medicine for loss of smell that is associated with sinusitis. The main features to consider this homeopathic medicine are stringy/sticky nasal discharge, constant stuffiness in the nose and fullness at the root of the nose. A sinus headache may occur with nasal symptoms. Other associated symptoms are postnasal discharge of mucus and tickling sensation in the nostrils.
I have also found it very helpful in cases of Covid-19 when it comes to dealing with loss of smell.
Silicea – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Anosmia with Nasal Catarrh
Homeopathic medicine Silicea is another well-prescribed homeopathic medicine for loss of smell where the person has a loss of smell with chronic nasal catarrh. The persons who need this medicine also have a history of yellowish, chronic, offensive, fetid nasal discharges prior to developing anosmia. Additional symptoms that may develop with anosmia are dryness in nostrils, burning sensation in nostrils, the presence of hard crusts in the nostrils lead to the selection of Silicea. In some cases, the person may experience itching and soreness in the nostrils.
Lemna Minor – Homeopathic Treatment for Anosmia with Nasal Polyps
Lemna Minor is an ideal homeopathic remedy to cure loss of smell in cases of nasal polyps. The patient who needs this medicine suffers from loss of smell, frequent sneezing attacks and obstruction in nostrils. The rest of the symptoms are excessive, thick or viscid discharge from the nose. The nasal symptoms of the person get worse in damp and rainy weather.
Natrum Mur – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Loss of Smell with Nasal Allergies
Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic remedy for anosmia when it is associated with nasal allergies. The main symptoms to indicate this medicine in loss of smell with other nasal discharges and dryness in nostrils. In some cases, nasal discharges like egg-white may also be experienced. Other symptoms are difficulty in breathing due to nose blockage and violent sneezing, especially during the morning. Additionally, the person may also feel a worm crawling sensation in the nostrils with the above features.
Pulsatilla Nigricans – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Loss of Smell with Loss of Taste
Pulsatilla Nigricans is an ideal homeopathic medicine for anosmia associated with loss of taste. In a few cases, the patient may feel loss of appetite too. Other associated symptoms are greenish nasal discharges and sneezing especially during sleep. The symptoms get worse indoors and get better in the open air. In some cases, the person may experience itching in the nostrils during the evening. The person may also experience stoppage of the nose in the evening while going to bed, it also leads to the selection of this remedy.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.
Hello, how soon after can I regain my smell if taking the Kali Bi for a loss of smell due to Covid?
Dear Heather,
We cannot prescribe any homeopathic medicine without taking the case history of the patient.