Homeopathic Medicine for Balanitis
Homeopathic Medicine for Balanitis
What is Balanitis?
Balanitis refers to the condition in which there is an inflammation of the glans aka head of the penis. It can be a painful and uncomfortable condition for males. This swelling of the foreskin of the penis is not a serious medical condition. It affects roughly 1 in 25 men. This condition is more common in uncircumcised males who have foreskin around the head of their sexual organs (Penis).
What are the Causes of Balanitis?
- Poor or improper hygiene can cause skin irritation and result in Balanitis
- Inadequate cleansing or too much cleansing can also cause this condition
- Males who do not rinse the soap completely off their penis after showering
- Uncircumcised penis
- Irritation of the foreskin of the penis from the chemical in soaps, lotions, shower gels, condoms or lubricants
- Use of sprays on penis
- Reactive arthritis
- Uncontrolled Diabetes
- Sexually transmitted infections such as Gonorrhea, Syphilis can contribute to Balanitis
- Skin conditions such as Psoriasis and eczema
- Some medicines can also cause this condition
- Infections from the overgrowth of yeast and bacteria under the foreskin
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Balanitis?
- Redness and swelling of the glans and foreskin
- Pain and soreness of glans
- Itching or irritation of the foreskin of penis
- Pain while passing urine
- Discharge under the foreskin
- Bad or unpleasant smell on the glans
- Tight foreskin that cannot be pulled back
- Sores of the glans
- Decreased blood supply to the penis
- Scarring or narrowing of the penis opening
- Retraction of the foreskin is painful
Homeopathic Treatment of Balanitis
Homeopathic medicines for Balanitis can reduce the swelling, inflammation and redness of the glans and the foreskin. Apis Mellifica, Merc Sol and Caladium are the best homeopathic remedies for Balanitis.
Homeopathic remedies are natural and they can treat Balanitis effectively. In addition, the symptoms associated with Balanitis including painful urination, itching of glans and pain can be cured with the help of these natural remedies. The selection of accurate medicine varies from case to case. Homeopathic medicines for Balanitis can be recommended after going through the symptoms of an individual. One should not self medicate and take the medicines after consulting a competent homeopathic doctor.
Homeopathic Remedies for Balanitis
Cantharis – Homeopathic Medicine for Balanitis with Painful Urination
Cantharis is an ideal remedy for painful urination in cases of Balanitis. The glans is intensely swollen along with severe pain. The pain is smarting in nature and occurs while urination that may continue even after passing the urine. At times, the patient also experiences cutting pain while passing the urine. The frequent urge may also present and the urine may be scanty. In addition, the patient may feel violent pain in the glans before urination.
Apis Mellifica – Homeopathic Treatment for Balanitis with Burning, Stinging Pains
Apis Mellifica is another homeopathic medicine for Balanitis. This natural medicine works well in cases of Balanitis when there is marked swelling and inflammation of glans. The foreskin is also inflamed. The inflammation is accompanied by stinging and burning pains. A thin discharge may be found under the foreskin. Apart from the above symptoms, painful urination is also another important feature and it is frequently present.
Caladium – Homeopathic Remedy for Balanitis with Marked Redness of Glans
Caladium is made from a plant known as Caladium Seguinum or Arum Seguinum so it is another natural medicine. It belongs to the natural order of the plant called Araceae. It is an ideal medicine to consider when the patient suffers from Balanitis with marked redness of glans. The reddish spots are present on the glans. Additionally, there is a marked dryness. The foreskin is sore, swollen especially along the margins. Another important feature to consider is, biting pain while passing the urine also calls for the use of homeopathic medicine Caladium.
Merc Sol – Homeopathic Medicine for Balanitis with Marked Swelling and Painful Sensitivity
Merc Sol is another homeopathic cure for balanitis. It is highly recommended in cases of balanitis when there is marked swelling and painful sensitivity of the glans and the prepuce is present. Small vesicles may be found on the foreskin and glans. A burning sensation is also experienced and there may be oozing of fluid from the vesicles as well. The discharge may also be present under the glans and it is milk-like. Severe burning while passing the urine may also be experienced.
Thuja – Homeopathy for Balanitis with Gonorrheal Infection
Homeopathic medicine Thuja is made from fresh green twigs of a plant known as Thuja Occidantalis also known as Arbor Vitae. The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. This medicine works well in those cases of balanitis when it is a result of a gonorrhea infection. The symptoms that require its attention include sensitive glans and it also has red sores. Burning between the prepuce and glans penis is also present. In addition, the patient also experiences scalding pain while passing the urine along with yellow-green discharge.
Rhus Tox – One of the Best Homeopathic Remedies for Balanitis with Dark Red Swelling and Pain
Rhus Tox is an ideal choice to treat balanitis when there is dark red swelling of the glans is a prominent symptom. It is accompanied by itching, a lot of pain and stinging sensation on the prepuce also present. Moist vesicles may also occur on the glans in few cases of Rhus Tox in balanitis.
Sulphur – Homeopathic Treatment for Balanitis with Itching and Burning
Sulphur offers best relief in balanitis where there is marked itching and burning on the glans and prepuce. The patient complains that his glans and prepuce are swollen and red. In most of the cases, offensive sweat around the genitals is also experienced. Copious secretion of unpleasant smegma may also occur. This homeopathic medicine also works well in cases of phimosis when associated with fetid pus discharge.
Acidum Nitricum – Homeopathic Medicine for Balanitis with Reddish Spots on Glans with Offensive Moisture
Nitric Acid is another homeopathic remedy for balanitis where reddish spots present on the glans with moisture. The smell of the moisture is foul in nature. Small pimples may also occur on the glans. The foreskin of the patient is swollen and inflamed with soreness. Itchy vesicles are also present with burning, tearing and sticking pain in the foreskin. Nitric Acid is also prescribed for phimosis and paraphimosis with stitching and sharp pains in prepuce.
Rhododendron – Natural Remedy for Balanitis with Shooting, Throbbing pain under Glans
Homeopathic medicine Rhododendron is made from the fresh leaves of a plant known as Rhododendron Chrysanthum or yellow snow rose. It belongs to the natural order of Ericaceae. This medicine is highly recommended in cases of balanitis where there is throbbing and shooting pain under the glans. At times, the patient also feels crushing pain in glans penis. In addition, the prepuce is also swollen and distended like a bladder. Slight discharge from the glans may also occur along with the above symptoms.
Cinnabaris – Homeopathic Medicine for Balanitis with Itching
This homeopathic medicine gives relief to the patient of balanitis where there is itching along with swelling and redness of the glans and prepuce. Yellow green discharge may also occur which is unpleasant in nature. Apart from balanitis, the person may also experience another problem of phimosis in some cases.
- Washed the area thoroughly and gently (maintain proper hygiene)
- Circumcision is the ideal way to prevent it and it can reduce the risk
- Use a condom if you have multiple sex partners to avoid STIs
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.