Best Homeopathic Medicines for Leucorrhea
What is Leucorrhea or Leukorrhea?
Basically, it is a medical term which stands for vaginal discharge. The discharge can be of different colors including white or yellow colored. It has become a universal issue for women. It is also known as white discharge or whitish discharge from the genitals organs of females. Leucorrhea is a common condition among all ages of females worldwide. The main role of the vaginal discharge is to get rid of harmful bacterias and other organisms from the body. Normal vaginal secretions are devoid of odor and Leucorrhea is accompanied by foul odor.
It seems to be more common in married women as compared to unmarried women. Female genitals can easily accept infections because they are moist, sweaty and covered. The discharge of Leucorrhea with foul smells make it difficult for you to attend social gatherings. Additionally, it will also prevent you from engaging in personal affairs. There are two types of Leucorrhea including physiological Leucorrhea and pathological Leucorrhea.
Physiological Leucorrhoea
Physiological Leucorrhoea is an excessive discharge or secretions of a normal vagina. This type of Leucorrhea occurs in teenage girls due to hormonal disturbance or imbalance during puberty. In adult cases, it can occur during the course of sexual excitement as well as pregnancy.
Pathological Leucorrhoea
It is another type of Leucorrhea which can occur due to the disease or malfunction of female reproductive tract. This condition needs immediate attention, cleanliness and treatment too. If someone will ignore Pathological Leucorrhoea, she may face serious problems. It includes infertility or loss of fertility and problems of the uterus. The nature of discharge may differ from person to person, it may be thick or thin and bloody as well. This condition can occur in cases of inflammation of vagina or inflammation of the cervix.
Causes of Leucorrhea or Leukorrhea or White discharge
When a female goes through the symptoms of Leucorrhea, she becomes worried. She also thinks that why is she facing these symptoms or problem? Most women want to know the causes and reasons of this white discharge and we shall discuss them one by one.
It includes infections from fungi, bacteria or parasites. Additionally, UTIs (urinary tract infections) are also common among the causes of Leucorrhea. Parasites spread through sexual intercourse and moist clothes as well. It is also seen in venereal diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis, and AIDS.
It is another cause of Leucorrhea, a female may face an injury during childbirth. Additionally, it includes excessive sexual indulgence and infections with discharges.
Poor Hygienic Conditions
Lack of cleanliness and unhygienic measures during periods can cause infection. It will lead it to Leucorrhea.
Diabetes and Anemia
In diabetes and anemia, our immune system is weak, therefore, it may provoke the infections. It will lead it to Leucorrhea.
Contraceptives which are used by both men and women can cause irritation.
Low Nutrition diet
STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
If a female uses a drug to kill sperms in order to avoid conception can also lead it to Leucorrhea.
Symptoms of Leucorrhea
Most of the time there are no symptoms except vaginal discharge. In some cases, the accompanying symptoms can be:
- Lower abdominal pain
- Painful sexual act
- Backache and pain in the leg
- Extreme itching with oedema of vagina
- Soreness and Burning sensation in the genital tract
- Burning sensation along with an urge to pass little urine
- Irritation and lack of concentration in work due to consciousness of vaginal discharges
- Indigestion including constipation, diarrhea and vomiting
- Rashes on the genitals
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Spots on undergarments
- Weakness
- Black patches under the eyes
- Stomach cramps or pain
- Dark colored discharges
How to Prevent Leucorrhea or Self Care Measures
- Wash Genital everyday
- Wear clean garments on daily basis
- Try to wear cotton underwear in order to avoid moisture
- Do not stop treatment when symptoms disappear or improve
- Avoid sexual intercourse in order to avoid irritation of tissues which are in healing process
- Have plenty of water and juices to avoid UTI
- Avoid stress because it causes hormonal imbalance
- Do not share towels and garments
- Avoid sexual intercourse during the period of heavy discharges
- Avoid spicy foods
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Leucorrhea
Sepia is the best homeopathic medicine for Leucorrhea at menopause age
Sepia is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Leucorrhea when a woman is at menopause stage along with excessive sweating and weakness. This remedy is perfect for Leucorrhea treatment when the discharge is yellowish green in color with excessive itching. The patient of this medicine feels that her pelvic organs will come out from the vulva, it is another main symptom. The symptom of irregularities in menses may be found in the women who require this medicine. She seems to be indifferent and shows irritable behavior for her family and friends.
Leucorrhoea Treatment in Homeopathy
If you are looking for Leucorrhoea treatment in homeopathy, you should consider Alumina. Alumina is another homeopathic medicine for Leucorrhea or Leukorrhea with severe burning and itching in genital organs. The transparent discharge from genitals causes excessive itching as well as burning. This burning sensation gets better when you wash the parts with cold water. There is another symptom of this medicine which is an indication for the use of Alumina that is, extravagant discharge. The discharge is profuse which runs down to the heels as well.
The vaginal discharge becomes worse during the daytime and after the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the patient feels not only mentally but also physically exhausted after the menstrual cycle.
Calcarea Carbonica is another natural homeopathic medicine for Leucorrhea with milky discharge and itching
It is the best remedy for Leucorrhea when the patient has milky discharge along with itching sensation in the vulva. Leucorrhea becomes worse in mental and physical activities or while urinating and it is an indication of this medicine. It is beneficial for little girls who have the symptoms of excessive sweating on head and obese. She also has a powerful desire for boiled eggs and indigestible things such as pencils and chalk.
Kreosotum is another homeopathic medicine for Leucorrhea with offensive discharge and violent itching
It is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Leucorrhea when it is acrid and causing violent itching of genitals. The color of the vaginal discharge is yellow and it always leaves the yellow stain on the linen. It becomes worse during the menses and the patient feels uncomfortable while standing. She prefers to sit or lie down and she feels better in this way.
Natrum Mur is another homeopathic medicine for Leucorrhea with thick discharge
Natrum Mur is one of the top homeopathic remedies for Leucorrhea where the discharge is white, thick and transparent. The condition becomes worse on walking and the pain is also available along with Leucorrhea. The patient of this medicine has a strong desire for salt and she cannot bear the heat of the sun.
Best Homeopathic Remedies for Leucorrhea with Acrid discharge and violent itching
Homeopathic Medicine borax is an ideal medicine for acrid Leucorrhea. It is beneficial for white discharge like an egg and she also feels that warm water is flowing with itching. This discharge becomes worse between the menses. Merc Sol is another homeopathic medicine for acrid vaginal discharge. The symptoms of this medicine become worse at night and she feels intense itching and burning in the parts. Itching can become worse during urination and the discharge is of greenish and bloody color in this medicine.
Best Homeopathic Remedies for Leucorrhea along with a backache
Kali Carb is an ideal medicine for those patients who feel cutting pain in lower back. They will that their back will break and the discharge is yellow with itching and burning in the vulva.
Best Homeopathic Remedies for Leucorrhea with white discharge
Natrum Mur, Graphites and Borax are those homeopathic remedies which are best in Leucorrhea with white discharge.
Best Homeopathic Remedies for Leucorrhea with yellow discharge
Hydrastis, Natrum Carb and Kreosotum are natural homeopathic medicines for yellow discharge in Leucorrhea.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Leucorrhea in Young Girls
Pulsatilla is one of the best homeopathic treatment for Leucorrhea in young girls who are reaching puberty. It is useful in those vaginal discharge which is creamy and acrid (bitter and unpleasant) in nature. The patient also feels cutting pain and chilliness in the abdomen. Weeping tendencies is another main symptom of this medicine and the patient has a mild temperament.
Calcarea Phos is another homeopathic medicine for Leucorrhea in young girls. The symptoms become worse after urination and passing stool. If a patient feels the heaviness of eyelids along with Leucorrhea, Caulophyllum provides great help in the treatment.
Top Homeopathic Medicines for Leucorrhea in Women at Menopause Age
Sepia, Graphites, Psorinum and Sanguinaria are natural Homeopathic medicines which play an important role in the treatment of Leucorrhea at menopause age. Graphites is helpful in those cases in which women are obese and the color of the discharge is white in color. The discharge becomes worse in the morning. Psorinum is helpful in those cases in which discharge is accompanied by severe back pain and weakness.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.