Homeopathic Remedies for E. Coli Infection
What is E. Coli Infection?
Escherichia coli or E. coli is one of the bacteria that live in the intestines of humans as well as animals and they do not cause harm. However, certain strains of E.coli including E. coli O157:H7 can result in diarrhea, intestinal infection, vomiting and abdominal cramps. One can be exposed to this infection by drinking contaminated water or consuming contaminated food including undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk, raw vegetables and ground beef. The best homeopathic medicines for E. Coli infection are capable of treating the symptoms of nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, vomiting and fatigue. The top homeopathic remedies for E. Coli infection to manage these symptoms are Carbo Veg, Aloe, Arsenic Album and China.
What are the Symptoms of E. Coli?
The sign and symptoms of this condition usually take 3-4 days to start after contracting an E. Coli infection. The main symptoms of E. Coli infection are:
In severe cases
- Blood in urine
- Blood in stool
- Dehydration
Risk Factors
- Age: Young children and older adults are more likely to develop E. Coli
- Weakened immune system
- If there is a decrease in stomach acid levels
A person suffering from this condition may develop life threatening complication that can occur in cases of Eschericia Coli which is a form of kidney failure that is, hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Homeopathic Treatment of E.coli infection
Homeopathic remedies are capable of curing the E. coli infection effectively. Homeopathic medicines enable the body to fight the bacteria and eradicate it in a natural way. Homeopathic treatment for E. Coli can be different in every person due to the different immunity as well as the symptoms.
Homeopathic Medicines for E.coli Infection
Aloe – To Treat Diarrhea in E. Coli Infection
Aloe is a natural remedy produced from the gum of a plant known as Aloe Socotrina, related to the natural order of Liliaceae. This medicine is very effective for the treatment of diarrhea in E. coli. The stool of this patient is watery, thin, yellow and hot. There is a continued desire to defecate with a feeling of fullness in the rectum. There is an urgency to defecate is also present. After passing the stool, there is also a release of excessive gas. Cramping and rumbling in the abdomen are also marked with burning at the anus during stool.
Arsenic Album – Best Homeopathic Medicine for E.coli Infection
Arsenic album is another remedy that can be considered in cure of E Coli infection which is a result of food poisoning. The patient of this medicine suffers from severe diarrhea where the stool is copious, watery and fetid in nature. The stool is followed by cutting pain in the abdomen. The person may feel chilly while defecation, and there may be blood in the stool too. Loss of strength with marked fatigue are also marked. Nausea and diarrhea are also present with coldness of the limbs. The consumption of the smallest amount of food or drink can result in vomiting and stool.
Carbo Veg – To Treat Excessive Gas & Diarrhea in E Coli Infection
Carbo Veg is a useful remedy in cases of E. Coli infection with excessive flatus and diarrhea. The gas is offensive and there is an ineffectual desire to defecate. The stool is light colored, watery and very fetid in nature. The stool may contain blood in it. At times, the stool passes involuntarily and burning is also present in the anus after defecation.
China – To Manage Diarrhea with Marked Fatigue
China is another natural remedy produced from the dried bark of the Cinchona Officinalis plant, which belongs to the natural order of Rubiaceae. It is very beneficial in diarrhea along with marked fatigue because of an E. Coli infection. The stool is very copious, loose, frothy with extreme physical weakness due to loss of vital fluids. The stool may be brown or yellow in color. In addition, it has a foul and putrid smell. The patient may complain of colic before and after every bowel movement.
Colocynthis – To Cure E.coli Infection with Marked Abdominal Cramps
Homeopathic medicine Colocynth is produced from the pulp of a fruit named as Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple, related to the natural order of Cucurbitaceae. It is a helpful remedy in cases of E. Coli infection when there are marked abdominal cramps. In some cases, there is pinching, tearing, and cutting pain in the abdomen. The abdominal pain is attended with copious stool which is green, yellowish, watery and slimy in nature and may contain blood in it. The bowel movements provide momentary relief to the patient from the pain in the abdomen. Bending double and applying pressure also provide relief in abdominal pain. Usually, the abdomen of the patient is usually bloated and a rumbling sound is also observed in the bowels.
Veratrum Album – To Cure Copious Watery Stool & Vomiting in E. Coli Infection
Veratrum album is another natural treatment to cure E. Coli infection produced from the rootstocks of a plant known as White Hellebore, which belongs to the natural order of Melanthaceae. It is highly suggested for these cases where there is a copious watery stool and vomiting present, the stool is watery, copious and gushing in nature and may be combined with flakes. Pinching abdominal pain is experienced during defecation. Fainting and exhaustion may occur with heavy vomiting. Cold sweat on the forehead and chilliness are also present with the previous features.
Croton Tig – To Cure diarrhea with sudden, gushing stool in E.coli
Croton Tig is another homeopathic remedy that can be recommended in cases of diarrhea with sudden gushing stool in E Coli infection. The stool is watery in nature and comes out of the rectum in one single gush. The color of the stool may be green or yellow and combined with whitish flakes. Abdominal pain also occurs before the stool. Eating and drinking anything results in a bowel movement. The patient may sweat or faint after defecation. In some cases, the vomiting is also present at the same time along with stool.
Ipecac – To Manage E.coli Infection with Nausea and Vomiting
Ipecac is another natural remedy produced from the dried root of a plant known as Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, related to the natural order of Rubiaceae. It is an ideal homeopathic remedy for E. Coli infection with persistent nausea and vomiting. Vomiting contains ingesta or white glairy matter and is copious in nature, the vomiting consists of green or yellow mucus or watery fluids. The urge to vomit is renewed soon after vomiting. In addition, there is excessive saliva in the mouth is also present. The tongue of the person is clean. Along with the previous features, the symptom of diarrhea is also there with abdominal distension and colic. The stool may often has blood in it with its watery nature. Cutting abdominal pains are also present.
Podophyllum – To Treat Greenish, Foul Loose Stool in E.coli infection
Podophyllum is a natural treatment offered by homeopathy for E. coli and it is produced from a plant named podophyllum peltatum or May apple from Berberidaceae. It is highly recommended in cases of E. coli infection with green, foul-smelling loose stool. The stool is profuse, painless and gushing in nature. Fetid gas is also passed with the stool. Nausea is marked before stool, while during defecation, heat and pain at anus are also experienced. The patient complains of exhaustion after defecation.
Merc Sol – To Manage Diarrhea in E.coli Infection
Merc Sol is another homeopathic medicine for E. Coli infections along with diarrhea. The nature of the stool is watery, greenish and frothy with blood in it. The smell is sour. Cutting and pinching pain in the abdomen region is marked before or during defecation. The patient may feel chilly with tenesmus. The urgency to pass stool is also present. Loss of appetite and fever are attended with the above symptoms.
Zingiber – To Manage GIT Infections with Diarrhea due to Contaminated Water
Zingiber is a well indicated homeopathic medicine to deal with GIT infections with diarrhea that occurs due to drinking impure or contaminated water. The stool occurs with much gas and may have brown mucus. Cutting pain is also felt in the bowels with stool. Itching and burning also occur at the anus.
How to Avoid Contamination
- Wash utensils
- Wash your hands: You need to wash hands after using bathroom, changing diapers, preparing and eating food.
- Keep the raw foods separate
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.