Homeopathic Medicines for Menopause
What is Menopause?
Menopause is a natural as well as a biological event in the life of every woman that marks the end of menstrual cycle. It shows the final result of a slow decline in the functioning of the ovaries. It can occur in 40s and 50s. In the United States, the average age is 51. When a woman reaches menopause, their menses become scanty and irregular until they cease permanently. In some cases, the menses cease suddenly. After a year without a menstrual period, a woman is said to have gone through the phase of menopause.
Symptoms of Menopause
All women have to go through this biological phase but it affects each woman in a unique way. The range of symptoms from hardly any to severe ones.
Physical Symptoms
- Hot flushes
- Chills
- Night sweats
- Loss of breast fullness
- Osteoporosis (weak bones)
- Weight gain (obesity)
- Hair loss
Mental Symptoms
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Sleeplessness
Local Symptoms
- Loss of libido (sexual desire)
- Excessive vaginal bleeding
- Vaginal dryness
Causes of Menopause
- Natural Decline of reproductive hormones: When a woman reaches 30s, her ovaries start making less estrogen and progesterone and it results in decline of fertility due to the lack of hormones. At the age of 51, your ovaries stop making eggs and you do not get menses.
- Chemotherapy and radiation therapy: These cancer therapies can trigger menopause and also cause symptoms like hot flashes.
- Primary ovarian insufficiency: About 1 percent of women face menopause before reaching 40 that is known as premature menopause. It can be a result of ovarian insufficiency when ovaries are unable to produce normal levels of hormones.
- Hysterectomy: Hysterectomy is a surgical process that removes your uterus but not your ovaries. Women’s ovaries still produce eggs and release hormones estrogen and progesterone but you are no longer having periods. Your periods stop immediately.
After menopause, your risk of certain medical conditions increases. Examples include:
- Heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease.
- Urinary incontinence.
- Sexual function (vaginal dryness).
- Weight gain.
Homeopathy and Menopause
Homeopathic medicines give a completely safe treatment for many symptoms of menopause. In Homeopathy, homeopathic remedies are made of natural substances that is why they have no side effects.
Homeopathic Treatment for Menopause
Homeopathy has the ability to treat menopause in a safe way without any side effects. There are several homeopathic medicines are available for treating the various symptoms experienced by women during menopause.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause
Sepia for Menopause: Best natural Homeopathic remedy for Menopause with change in temperament
There are several natural homeopathic medicines to treat menopause but Sepia tops all of them when it comes to treat symptoms accompanied by menopause. Women who need Sepia, there is a marked change in temperament is also worth noticing. From being gentle and calm before menopause, she gets very irritable and does not show any affection towards her family members. There is no desire to meet friends along with sadness and she has no interest in daily activities and it makes her feel worse. She gets tired with ease.
Flushes of heat (sensation of heat) is also present in different parts of the body. It may accompany excessive sweating. She also experiences dragging and bearing down sensation in the uterus and as if she has to cross her legs to hold it and she does not have any desire for sex. Back pain is often present with these symptoms. Homeopathic medicine Sepia acts well in this transition, it makes this transition a comforting one and makes the women full of life.
Lachesis: Homeopathic Medicine for Menopause hot flushes
Lachesis is another homeopathic medicine for menopause. It is an excellent homeopathic medicine to treat extreme heat flushes during the phase of menopause. The woman cannot bear tight clothes mainly around her waist or neck. Lachesis can also control a headache associated with heat. The next sphere where Lachesis works well that is, mental depression during menopause. The main symptom which is a result of depression is an aversion to social interaction. Such a woman wants to run away from world. She does not want to do any work and lacks interest in daily routine work.
Amylenum Nitrosum: Homeopathic medicine for Menopause with profuse sweating and acute headache
Amylosum Nitrosum is an ideal natural homeopathic remedy for menopause with heat flushes followed by profuse sweating. The patient desires for cool air. The flushes can be associated with palpitations of heart. Amyl Nit can also give relief to headache with a marked congestion in the head. Such women feel that her head will burst out due to congestion and pain.
Ignatia: Top Homeopathic medicine for depression during Menopause
Ignatia is one of the best homeopathic remedies for menopause mood swings and depression. Homeopathic medicine Ignatia works wonders when women are extremely sad and weeping tendencies are also present. Such women cut themselves off from social circle and do not want to talk to anybody. They want to become alone all the time. Ignatia can also control the mood changes that occur during the phase of menopause. So it is one of the best homeopathic remedies for menopause mood swings. The mood of patient changes instantly from happiness to sadness without any cause. Homeopathic medicine Ignatia gives mental stability to the patient.
Graphites: Homeopathic medicine for obesity during Menopause
Graphites is one of the best homeopathic remedies for menopause weight gain. The main objective of this homeopathic medicine is to control the obesity during menopause. It is also a suitable natural remedy for women who have been through the worst kind of constipation till now. There is a marked sensitivity to cold air and the patient remains sad mentally. In addition, she cannot make decisions with ease. Such women feel hopeless and melancholic. They may start crying on even listening to music.
Best Homeopathic medicines for heat flushes during Menopause
Heat flashes is one of the most prominent symptoms that cause great discomfort during menopause. It is a feeling of extreme heat, mostly in the upper parts of the body that leads to drenching sweat. Top homeopathic remedies to control these heat flushes are Sepia, Lachesis and Amylenum Nitrosum.
Amylenum Nitrosum is one of the best homeopathic remedies for excessive heat flushes that appears during menopause. After heat flushes, excessive sweat follows. The women desire to get fresh open air. The bed coverings are always intolerable. A few women who need Amyl Nit may also complain of headache and palpitations with heat flushes.
Sepia is another natural homeopathic medicine for menopause hot flashes. It is an ideal remedy when women experience extremely hot flushes along with fainting spells. Such women get drenched with sweat all over the body. After hot flushes, get fainting spells.
Lachesis is another homeopathic medicine for menopause hot flashes. It is well suited for those women who experience excessive heat sensation and want to loosen the clothing. Slightly tight clothes are intolerable mostly around the neck and waist.
Top natural Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause with depression
In a few women, symptoms of clinical depression such as feeling of loneliness, excessive weeping, sadness, reduced social interaction, sleeplessness are also present with menopause. Ignatia is the best homeopathic medicine for treating depression in menopause. It is an ideal medicine when women feel sad all the time and she does not want to talk to others.
Lachesis is another homeopathic medicine for menopause when women withdraw from society and do not wish to interact with others socially. She does not take interest in daily routine, business or activities and wants to run away from the world.
Manciella is lesser known homeopathic remedy for menopause when women go through a phase of extreme sadness with changeable thoughts. The women remain silent all the time.
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Sepia: Homeopathic remedy for irritability and indifferent behaviour during Menopause
Sepia is an ideal natural homeopathic medicine which gives ideal results to reduce the irritation during the phase of menopause. The patient of this medicine gets irritated at the slightest cause. She has an indifferent behavior towards her business and family. She does not care about children or husband whom she used to love a lot earlier. The interest in doing any mental or physical activity is nor more present.
Ignatia and Pulsatilla: Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause with Moood Swings
Ignatia is one of the best homeopathic remedies for menopause mood swings. It is a helpful medicine when women feel happy at one moment and the next moment she becomes sad without any reason. Hormonal imbalance is the root cause here. Extreme mood swings including laughing and weeping are wonderfully treated by homeopathic medicine Ignatia. Mood swings may also associate with a severe depressive condition.
Pulsatilla is an ideal homeopathic medicine to treat mood fluctuations and describe emotional instability during menopause. The patient of Pulsatilla is usually of mild and yielding nature and cries with ease. If gets consolation, the woman gets relaxed.
Aconite and Sepia: Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause with Anxiety
Sepia and Aconite are considered as the top homeopathic medicines for menopause.
Aconite is one of the natural homeopathic remedies for menopause anxiety. Women who are physically and mentally anxious this homeopathic remedy is suitable for them. In almost every case, anxiety is present with excessive restlessness. The women want to change position very often. Women are hasty in doing all the work. Excessive thirst for cold water may also accompany anxiety.
Sepia is a perfect homeopathic medicine for menopause anxiety with heat flushes in evening. Such a woman feels extremely hot and followed by sweats. In some cases, even faintness is also present.
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Sepia and Lycopodium: Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause with Hair fall
Sepia is one of the top homeopathic remedies for menopause hair fall. It stops the hair fall during menopause. Hair fall is associated with worse kind of headache in most of the cases. The patient of Sepia experiences hair fall with heat flushes.
Lycopodium works well when women suffer from gastric troubles all her life till date and now she is facing hair fall at menopause age. Women need Lycopodium also have desire for sweet and cold drinks. The gas is always present in the abdomen.
Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause with heavy bleeding
The best homeopathic medicine for controlling the excessive bleeding during the phase of menopause is Trillium Pendulum. This homeopathic medicine is used when blood is of bright red color and expelled in excess from the vagina of female. The slightest movement makes the bleeding worse. Pain in hips and back is also present with bleeding. Excessive flooding may result in faintness.
Homeopathic medicine Ustilago is the best hemorrhage controller and it stops the blood if it is dark in color. The patient may also pass clots with fluid blood who needs Ustilago.
China is another ideal homeopathic remedy for blood loss which results in utmost weakness.
Graphites and Sepia: Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause with weight gain
Sepia and Graphites are excellent natural homeopathic medicines for menopause when weight gain is a problem during this phase.
Graphites is ideal for those women who have been suffering from constipation for long period and also dealing with obesity. The mental symptoms of Graphites are indecisiveness, constant thought of death and sadness.
Sepia is another homeopathic medicine to consider for weight gain during menopause. There are several symptoms that need to be considered including heat flushes and bearing down sensation in the womb. The mental symptoms of Sepia are indifferent behavior towards family and irritable mood.
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Calcarea Carb: Homeopathic Medicine for Menopause with osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is another main effect of menopause. It stands for the progressive loss and weakening of bones. Bone mass loss averages 1-2 % every year after menopause. As a result, easy fractures and other symptoms along with osteoporosis including pain in back and bones.
Calcarea Carb is another natural homeopathic medicine for women with Osteoporosis. It helps in decreasing the loss of calcium from bones and increases its absorption from the food.
Homeopathic remedies for menopause with decreased libido and vaginal dryness
The loss of vaginal lubrication and elasticity during the phase of menopause consequences in difficult intercourse and irritation in the urinary tract. Homeopathic medicine Sepia is beneficial for decreased libido and low sexual energy.
Lycopodium is another best homeopathic medicine for vaginal dryness.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
Apart from Homeopathy, I am M.A in English Literature from Punjab University. I have been teaching English at Post Graduate National College Rawalpindi for 7 years. So I am holding two noble professions. I have written more than 7000 articles on different subjects. To be more specific I have authored different websites as well.
Hi Doctor,
I am wondering what is the remedy for bleeding that is light, sometimes dark brown sometimes red but lasts for too many days? I am 55, usually have my period for 3 or 4 days but in the last 6 months it is getting to be 5 or 6 days and now this month 8 days so far!