Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Itching
What is Anal Itching?
Anus is the opening situated at the lower end of the gastrointestinal tract through which one defecates. Anal itching stands for the itching of skin surrounding the anus and it is quite common. The medical term for anal itching is Pruritus Ani. Generally, the itching condition becomes worse at night and after defecation. At times, it may cause redness and burning sensation in the anal region. Scratching of the anal area may result in cracks and increases the risk of developing a local infection.
What are the Causes of Anal Itching?
Anal itching is a symptom not a disease and it can be developed due to multiple reasons. The main causes include:
- Pinworms
- Anal Fissures
- Piles
- Genital warts
- Fistula
- Yeast infection
- Diabetes and HIV can increase the risk of yeast infection
- Continuous moisture around the anus due to loose stool or sweating
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Improper hygiene of the anal region
- Excessive use of spicy food, peppers, chocolates and caffeine
- Skin tags
- Antibiotics intake
There are some cases where there is no particular cause for this condition and it is known as Idiopathic Pruritus Ani.
Homeopathic Treatment for Anal Itching
Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat anal itching. In homeopathy, there is a list of homeopathic remedies that can cure that condition and they are produced from natural substance, therefore, they are devoid of side effects and can be used for all age groups.
Homeopathic Remedies for Anal Itching
The list goes on and on when it comes to dealing with anal itching. Some of the most commonly prescribed homeopathic remedies for itching in the anal area are Teucrium Marum Verum, Nux Vomica, Sulphur, Silicea and Ratanhia Peruviana. The competent homeopathic doctor will not only consider anal itching but will also address the reason behind it and associated symptoms including soreness, pain, and burning sensation in the anus before selecting the appropriate medicine.
Sulphur – Best Homeopathic Medicine for Anal Itching associated with Red and Sore Anus
Homeopathic medicine Sulphur is very helpful in cases of anal itching accompanied by a red and sore anus. The person may also feel a burning sensation in the anal region. Constipation and diarrhea may take place alternatively with the previous features. Another prominent feature of this medicine is the involuntary passage of feces while sneezing or passing gas. Itchy anus due to skin complaints including eczema and psoriasis can also lead to the selection of Sulphur.
Nux Vomica – Homeopathic Treatment for Anal Itching from Piles
Nux Vomica is an ideal choice for anal itching with piles. Along with piles, the person also complains of an ineffectual desire to pass stool. The person wants to pass stool frequently and results in passing a small quantity of poop at a time. There is a burning sensation in the anus along with frequent defecation. This remedy also works well in cases of anal itching when it gets worse due to the consumption of coffee or spicy food.
Teucrium Marum Verum – Homeopathic Remedy for Anal Itching from Pinworms
It is one of the best homeopathic remedies for anal itching caused by pinworms. The patient feels an increase in anal itching in the evenings. Furthermore, the patient is also restless. The patient also feels disturbed while sleeping due to itching. In some cases, the itching gets worse after defecation. Homeopathic medicine Teucrium is also beneficial in cases of anal itching from ascarides.
Ratanhia Peruviana – Homeopathic Medicine for Pruritus Ani Treatment in Anal Fissures
Ratanhia Peruviana is another homeopathic medicine for anus itching caused by anal fissures. In these cases, there are cracks in the anus along with itching. There is a burning sensation in the anus with itching. The burning becomes better after washing with cold water. Furthermore, the person may also experience splinter like pains in the anal area.
Silicea – Homeopathic Treatment for Pruritus Ani during and After Passing Stool
Homeopathic medicine Silicea is an ideal homeopathic cure for anal itching that arises during or after defecation. The moisture around the anus makes the itching worse. In these cases, constipation is another feature to consider. Even the soft stool is passed after a lot of straining effort. Another prominent feature is the stool recedes in the rectum after partial expulsion from the anus. This medicine also acts well in cases of anal itching when it occurs in cases of anal fistula.
Note: Medicines mentioned here are for information purpose only. Kindly do not self-medicate.
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I had accomplished D. H. M. S in 2008, I have been into practice (in Rawalpindi & Islamabad) for more or less 14 years. During my practice, I have been treating acute as well as chronic disorders. I had also completed MHS (Masters of Human Sexuality) in 2014 from SAIHS. Covid-19, Dengue fever, Genetic Disorders, Auto-immune Diseases, Sexual dysfunctions and disorders in males as well as females attract my attention, therefore, I love to solve these cases.
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